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© Picture Belongs to Sawsan and Suha

Checkout their Pics, @36sisters, my dudes and dudettes!!!!

© Jinn Belongs to Sawsan and Suha

©Aisha Belongs to Sawsan and Suha

©Cupheads Belongs to StudioMDHR

©Story belongs to me

So this is Half-Time where I'll share a few minutes of everyone in the Casino's interaction with reader-chan. Ok, Ok!

1. The Devil

The Devil wasn't a fan of being woken up at anytime of the day or night. The last person to wake him up, walked away with both of their arms needing immediate re-attachment. So, when one night, the Devil was particularly tired and wished to not be disturbed for any reason, Y/n not understanding the request went to her father's room. There she was still the two year everyone knows and love, reaching up and shaking him awake. His eyes opened instantly, "Who the Hell is waking me up!?" He roared. Looking around he didn't find anyone, until he heard his daughter's tiny voice. His demeanor completely changed. "My little snake, what are you doing up this time of night? " He asked puzzled. "I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked hoping he would say yes. "You're still having nightmares about the kidnapping?" He asked cautiously. She lowered her head and nodded. "Come on, baby girl, daddy will help you fall to sleep." He shuffled over and hoister her up onto his lean chest, she laid her head to his heart and the rhythmic beat of his heart lulled her to sleep. The Devil soon followed after.

2. King Dice

The King was Fair, he gave the right amount of punishment when necessary, and rewards for those willing to tell or sneak up on someone doing something they weren't supposed to. Y/n loved the butter cookie her brother Cuphead brought home from time to time, so when the one time he brings them home and she wasn't aloud one before dinner, she came up with a plan to get them. She snuck into the kitchen when she knew the King wasn't looking, or so she thought. Reaching up on the high counter she placed a finger on the jar when a big hand swiftly grabbed it. "Y/n, I said after dinner, since you want to be a thief, go stand in the corner for 3 mins. That should teach you not to touch any cookies before dinner." He said sliding the cookie jar further up high on top the refrigerator. And walked off to tend with business. "Oh Fooey."

3. Jinn

Y/n always saw Aisha and Jinn as mother figures. Jinn especially. She kisses her boo-boo, and love her unconditionally, even after something went wrong. "I love you Jinn." Y/n said in her sleep as Jinn neared the end of the stories she was reading to the child. Jinn stopped mid-sentence registering what she had just heard. "Y/n?" No response. She closed the book placing on the bedside table, pulled the blanket over her, kissed her goodnight, and said, "Goodnight, y/n, and love you too."

4. Cuphead and Mugman

It was rare for y/n to be able to hangout with her brothers, they were either helping King Dice run the Casino, or off collecting Contracts from unwilling participants. So to actually sit down and watch a movie, though horror, was a great and special occasion to y/n. Y/n sat on a leg of each her brothers leaning back into their chests watching 2017's IT. Whenever she got scared she would look away and bury her face into her brothers' shirts. They didn't object, but half-way through the movie they questioned if they should turn it off because y/n was hiding now under the sheets. "Naw", they laughed and continued on with the movie.

5. Tipsy Troops

Whiskey, Martini, and Rum were serving glasses, while y/n, whom Hopus Pocus left with them, sat on the counter. A creep guy came up to the little girl and tried to talk to her. He looked to have no face, and that's what scared her the most. "Come on kid, I got candy in my car." He said with a scratchy voice. "No no, leave me alone." She cried. "Excuse me sir, is there something you need?" Whiskey stood behind the man, Martini came to grab y/n and hold her on her hip. Rum stood in front of the guy. "You sure, what did he say to you y/n?" Rum asked. "He asked if I wanted to get in his car to get some candy, I said no." She answered. "Free candy, huh?" Whiskey said cracking his knuckles. The man dashed out the front door. "You were very smart for saying no, y/n." Martini said hugging the girl close. "Mhm." She hummed.

6. Aisha and Mr. Wheezy

It was Aisha's and Mr. Wheezy's turn to go shopping for the Casino. Y/n asked if she could go with them, no one objected. In the store, y/n sat in the cart looking at all the things Aisha or Mr. Wheezy would pick up and put in the Cart or argue over. Y/n thought it would  be funny to knock a row of cereal onto the floor, at least 2-4 of the boxes opened and burst everywhere on the floor. "Y/n!" Y/n only laughed as one of the store clerk came around the corner. They all booked it down the other end making a turn. After not getting caught, Aisha and Mr. Wheezy gave Y/n a pointed look. She only sheepishly smiled, they really couldn't stay mad at her could they?

7. Dot and Pip

They did it for the boys, they were going to do it for the girl too. Dot always wanted to make little girl clothes, and ever since y/n came into their lives, she made it a personal mission to make clothes for the girl. Because let's face it, girls could never have too many outfits. So when after the 12th outfit, y/n said she was tired and Dot wouldn't relent, she ran away to her room and screamed into her pillow, but not before barricading her door. "Y/n, sweetie please, let's just try on 5 more and we'll call it a day? Hm, please for me?" Dot's voice carried in melody through the door. Y/n loved her family even when they were obsessed with her style choice, she knew she wouldn't be able to hide forever, so she got up, unbarricaded her door and tried on the last 5 or supposed clothings. Pip looked on in silent apologies, there were like 10 more dresses Dot planned on dressing her up in.

8. Mangosteen

The best part of the night was being taught how to work the cue stick and getting more than one ball into the hole. The only thing that Mangosteen didn't make clear was which balls were opposing's and defensive's. One night while showing off to her father and brothers, whom were all playing as well, y/n was letting all the stripe balls into the hole, not knowing her mistake and her family benefiting from it, they just let her do the work until, "Mr. Mangosteen, we won!" I got all the stripe balls in and some of the solids." Y/n said cheerily. "Y/n, we lost the stripe balls were the opposing team's'" Mangosteen explained. "Yeah, sis thanks for the help." Her brothers' laughed. "Yay, I helped my family win!" Y/n said jumping up and down.

9. Pirouletta

Pirouletta enjoyed playing some classical music, mostly Ukrainian, though her dance was more Russian. When Y/n asked her if she could teach her how to stand on her tiptoes, Pirouletta was ecstatic to teach her first and probably only student Ballet.

10. Phear Laps

He was like the old man in the group, the grandpa. He had a great tolerance level, but even he wasn't a saint, actually, he was far from it. He wasn't as sociable as everyone else was with the newest addition to the family. But he always seem to be the one arms she falls into. He wasn't sure either, but he hoped that their relationship won't be so strain and distant in the future.

11. Chips Bettigan and Mr. Chimes

They were known as the rowdiest of all employees under the Devil. If the last two time seeing y/n being thrown through the air by the monkey was bad. Imagine them doing that, but with a slingshot. "What the Hell are you two doing with my yellow bean?!" A pissed-off Aisha and deadly Jinn asked from behind them. Yeah they didn't get to test out their slingshot on y/n, but they did get to test it out on themselves thanks to Aisha and Jinn's help.

12. Hopus Pocus

Out of every last one of the performers, y/n would be lying if she said she didn't look forward to watching Mr. Hopus Pocus' magic show. He knew how to capture someone's attention. He was a master after all. Y/n can remember the day he taught her the trick-eye illusion as most magicians call it. Showing her how from focusing on one hand more than the other he can easily distract them enough to place the coin on their shoulder. Y/n couldn't believe her eyes, even after following him she still fell for it. 

Cuphead Demon AU: Brothers Cuphead and Mugman x Baby! Sister! ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя