First Birthday

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© Cuphead Demon AU belongs to Sawsan and Suha

Follow them on Twitter: @36sisters

Their art is amazing!!!

©Jinn belongs to Sawsan and Suha

©Aisha belongs to Sawsan and Suha

©Cuphead belongs to StudioMDHR

© Story belongs to me

It had been a bitchin' autumn, and a hailstorm for winter, but really, who would have notice being surrounded by fire and brimstone all hours of the year. Well, winter finally melted away and led way to the Spring of April 23. (Kudos, if your birthday is the 23.) Y/n was currently being thrown through the air by Mr. Chimes and Chips Bettigan. "OK, partner this one's goin' to be a doozy." Bettigan shouted from across the Casino floor to Mr. Chimes, whom was hanging from the rafters waiting for the signal. Two fingers went in the air, Mr. Chimes ready his hands, and Bettigan threw the secretly 1 year old into Mr. Chimes awaiting arms. "Hahahahaha, hey look Chips, I caught her!" Mr. Chimes exclaimed from his position on the ceiling.

Just as Mr. Chimes was about to throw Y/n back to Chips, did the Tipsy Troops: Rum, Martini, and Whiskey walk in just as Mr. Chimes readied Y/n for take off. "What the hell are you guys' doing, Whiskey exclaimed, looking at Mr. Chimes with a laughing y/n in his hands. "Pattiback", said Bettigan. "Yeah, it's when you throw a baby in the air and catch them before they hit the floor." Mr. chimes elaborated.

"You guys' were supposed to babysit the child, not catapult her through the air!" Martini fumed. Making her alcohol boil. "Combustion, Martini, and why would we want to sit on her, she would easily die from suffocation. This is a better approach." Bettigan argued.

"You don't literally sit on her, it just means to watch her." Rum hiccuped. "We are watching her, look she's fine." Mr. Chimes saids holding out a giggling y/n. "That does not mean, throw the baby through the air." "Yeah, and it's not like she understands anyway what that means, all she cares about is the sensation of flying, and she doesn't even know what flying is!" Whiskey interrupted Rum.

"Mr. Chimes, Chips Bettigan, you both better not be throwing my little yellow bean through the air." The tale-tale sing-song voice of Aisha could be heard down the hall. "Oh Shit, Mr. Chimes hand her to me!" Bettigan hurriedly said. Throwing the giddy child one last time in the air, Whiskey reaches out to grab the child successfully grabbing her and walking with Rum and Martini out of the room. "You don't think they'll tell on us, do you?" Bettigan gulped. "Oh Aisha guess what the two knuckleheads thought would be a great idea babysitting Y/n." Martini's voice rang out through the hallway towards the bedrooms.

"Run, Mr. Chimes!" Bettigan and Mr. Chimes raced out the Casino before Aisha could walk in.

Whiskey hands Y/n to Aisha, who proceeded to walk off to her and Mr.Wheezy's shared room. "Sweetheart, someone wanted to say hello." Aisha said only holding a drooling y/n from out behind the door. "Heh, hey kid, didn't know you could speak, let alone sound like my darling." Mr. Wheezy stated getting to snuff another cigarette. "Sometimes darlin', I think you only bring y/n with you just to get me to smoke less." He speculated. "Maybe," Aisha opens the door to walk into the room. "But seriously, she's a little heavy." "Oh yeah?" Mr. Wheezy asked. Taking y/n from her arms, Mr. Wheezy bounces y/n. "Hmm, you're right, she feels heavier than usual." "I mean she has been with us for a year, so sooner or later we were going to plump her up." Aisha cooed about a witch and eating y/n up. But a stark realization crossed Aisha's mind. "She's been with us for a whole year, right, and today is technically her anniversary of becoming part of the family right?" Aisha said turning to Mr. Wheezy. "Yeah, what's with the calculating and surprised expression darlin'? You're freakin' me out." Mr. Wheezy sweated. "Honey, it's y/n birthday, and I bet no one else has notice." Aisha said as if the world just shattered around her.

Cuphead Demon AU: Brothers Cuphead and Mugman x Baby! Sister! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now