Capture Pt. 2

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© Picture belongs to sws-sisters

© Jinn belongs to sws-sisters

© Aisha belongs to sws-sisters

© Cuphead belongs to StudioMDHR

© Story belongs to me

Author Announcement: Hey hey hey my readers, Violet here to give some warning: Now I understand that there is more than one religion out there, so in this and the next chapter I will be introducing some biblical and spiritual and ritualistic concepts. If you feel that this is going to conflict with your beliefs please do not read. I have gather the Five angels from both Christianity and Judaism, and some of these angel even transcend multiple other religions most though in the Christianity or Judaism I believe one is also represented in the Middle Eastern, Muslim doctrines but I'm not fully sure. I'm still doing some research so it doesn't just seem like I'm shit posting whatever. I am however trying to coordinate the Angels that are going to be depicted in this chapter and future one (s)? With their characteristics and overall functions in Mankind. Again I know this can be controversial depending on your viewpoints for this I repeat. DO NOT READ IF YOU THINK THIS WILL CONFLICT WITH YOUR OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS, ATHEIST OR NOT! Ok without further ado, ENJOY!

While Cuphead and Mugman were thinking of every possible way to find and get their sister back one thought crossed both of their mind, 'Where the Hell did he take her!?' "Ah Fuck", Cuphead got up from his sitting position on the ground only to pace back and forth grumbling. Mugs got up and lit a cigar in anger. Taking a puff he snuffed it and threw it down. "You're thinking the same thing right", Mugman walks to his brother stopping Cuphead's pacing with his hand, "We can't do this alone, we need father's help." Cuphead shrugged his brother's hand off him and walked in the direction of the city. "Where the Fuck are you going, I said-" "I know what you said Mugs, it's just, we're wasting time, going back to get dad and everyone else, we could be halfway to Y/n by now, there's no telling what that paperboy wants with her." Cuphead said trudging on. Mugman gave an irritated sigh and raced after his brother. Never have they ever been voluntarily separated, and Mugs wasn't about to let Cuphead walk into a fight alone, especially with their little sister involved. Turning back to the others before continuing he hollered to Derek, "Go back to the Casino, tell them what happened and that Cup and I are going ahead of them!" He disappeared into the foliage. Derek turned back towards a scared Amaris and Worried Ezikiel. Taking a deep breath Derek spoke for the first time in 2 hours. "Come on Mugs gave us a message, let's deliver it." Derek grabbed his bag, while Amaris wiped her eyes grabbing hers, and Ezikiel just grabbed his book bag and other bags. They ran to the gate separating them from the Demon/Monster isles. Right when Derek went to open the gate two guards, neither teens recognized stopped them. "Hey kids what are you doing going into the monster's isles, that isn't safe". "And no humans should be allowed outside the safety of the city". The other spoke. The three teens turned towards the voice to only widen their eyes in shock. "You're the Archangels, Uriel and Raguel!" Ezikiel proclaimed. "How do you know who they are?" Amaris whispered to him. "Remember those books I checked out of the library two years ago, well I was doing some research on the fall of Lucifer a.k.a the Devil and the Angels that helped push him and his followers out of Heaven, well I read up just two months ago on the 5 main angels, their names were among them.

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Cuphead Demon AU: Brothers Cuphead and Mugman x Baby! Sister! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now