Part 11 - What a night!

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I'm here just to say comments and likes are really appreciated!

Hope you enjoy.



Here we go:

It's almost noon when Bradley arrives in London, local time. He goes straight to his hotel to meet with his team, and unfortunately with Irina. He texts Stefani, but knows she'll only see it later since it's still too early in LA for her to be up. He's kinda anxious to go on an award without Stefani by his side, he got used to have her beside him during the show and today will be so boring without her. He smiles to himself, he's been going to all kinds of award shows for years all by himself and now he can't see himself without Stefani beside him.

As soon as he enters the joined room he sees Irina getting ready and Lea runs straight to him.

"Daddy!!!" the little girl screams jumping on her father's arms.

"Hi princess! How have you been?" he asks and she pouts.

"Mommy say you leave us." His eyes' widen. What the hell?? He wants to murder Irina for this. He'll have to explain to his two year old daughter what was really happening between her parents.

"No, darling. I'm never leaving you." He goes to the other room and sits on the bed with Lea on his lap. "Lea, mom and dad are indeed separating, but we'll never leave you. What will happen now is that you'll have two houses. Part of the week you'll stay with mom and the other part with me. When you grow up you'll understand that couples fade out of love, but the love you have for your child is forever. Mom and dad aren't a couple anymore, but we still love you so much. Do you understand?" he explains and the little girl nods.

"Mommy not daddy girlfriend, but love for Lea forever?" she asks innocently and Bradley nods. She's so smart.

"You can count on that, smart girl." He says and she smiles. They return to where Irina is and she rolls her eyes.

"Hello Bradley." She says in an acid tone. He just fake smiles and turn on the TV to relax a bit. It's on MTV and they're showing the greatest videos of the decade so sooner or later it would happen. Lady Gaga's Bad Romance starts playing and suddenly Lea starts to dance and sing. Where the hell did she learn that? Irina rolled her eyes, but she knows this has nothing to do with Bradley, he never showed any Gaga songs to her.

"Lea, darling, where did you learn that?" Irina asks. The girl smiles.

"Mah teacher loves Lady Gaga! I too." Lea answers and Bradley laughs hard. He had been filming the little girl the whole time to show Stefani later. "You not like, mom?" oh the innocence. Irina just sighs.

"I like her songs, but it's your dad that likes her way too much." Bradley wants to murder her for the second time that day. Oh, it's going to be a long day with her. Lea smiles and jumps on her father's lap.

"You know her?" she asks amazed. Bradley nods.

"In fact you do too. She was in my surprise birthday party, you even sang with her if I remember well." The girl looks confused, but soon enough she remembers who her father is talking about.

"No, the lonely girl is Stefani. She my friend." Bradley chuckles.

"Honey, Stefani is Lady Gaga, believe me. I'll ask her to sing this song for you later if you want to." The girl nods enthusiastically.


Stefani wakes up around 10 am and decides to stay in bed, today is gonna be a full day. She picks her phone and checks her texts, especially to know if Bradley arrived safe and well in London. She opens his texts and clicks on a video he sent, while it loads she reads the caption: "I think we might have a little monster in the making." That intrigued her, but when she opens the video her heart melts. It's Lea dancing and singing to Bad Romance. At times like this her heart hurts of how much she wants a child of her own, but all in due time, she tells herself. She looks at the time and knows Bradley is probably on his way to the Bafta's so she just reply with a simple heart eyes emoji. She'll call him later.

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