Part 05 - Crazy Mean Bitch

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So, it's Carnival here in Brazil, I'll try to update more!
Thank you so much for everything... I can't believe this got more than a 1,000 views already!


Here's the new chapter:

As soon as the issues at the studio is solved Mark leaves and Bobby stays there with Gaga chilling a bit.

"Now, Miss Gaga, tell me everything about this Bradley situation. Who made the first move? When did it happen?" Bobby sits beside her and asks. He knew his friend was in love with her co-star but he never actually believed they would be together. Bradley seemed too much a goody two shoes to risk it all like this.

"Well, Irina left Bradley because of me, and Christian left me because of him, so I guess they were the ones to make the first move. Yesterday, after the Q&A, B went to have dinner with me in my house and we kinda confessed our feelings for each other. That's pretty much what happened till now." She tells him and Bobby smirks.

"Nothing happened? He calls you babe already." Stefani blushes.

"We kissed, and that was all. We agreed to take things slowly."

"Aren't you curious to know how being intimate with him feels like?" Stefani nods.

"Of course I am, but I gotta be careful, I don't think I'll handle having my heart broken again. What I feel for Bradley is very strong, I dare say I've never felt like this before. Bobby, when he holds me in those big arms I feel like I'm in heaven!" She gushes and his friend hugs her.

"Aww Stef, you deserve to feel like this."


Bradley is having a horrible nightmare when he feels someone shaking him. He opens his eyes and sees his mom.

"Is everything okay, son?" She asks kindly. He nods.

"It's just a nightmare. I'm fine now, thanks mom." He says.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bradley takes a deep breath.

"It was about Stefani. She was getting married to her ex-fiancé and I wasn't able to do anything. Then a fire started and she was trapped. It was horrible." He confesses with tears in his eyes. His mom hugs him.

"Oh Brad! Call her or you won't be able to sleep again."

"I can't! What should I tell her?" His mom smiles.

"The truth, you don't need to be afraid of being vulnerable in front of her. She's with you, isn't she? Be honest, it'll calm you down." He looks down.

"I don't want to sound clingy. She doesn't like it." Gloria chuckles.

"Oh boy, this isn't being clingy. You're in distress, just listening to her voice will calm you down. Couples exist to help one another. Call her." His mom advises and then kisses his forehead. "I'll be back to sleep now, if you need me come to me. But truly, right now I think you need Stefani. Goodnight." She leaves and he stares at his phone. Stefani didn't send him a goodnight text, so she's probably still awake. He decides to call.

"Hey B, is everything alright?" She answers the phone worried. She was about to get inside her car to go home.

"Err... hi. It's just that I had a horrible nightmare." He confesses sounding embarrassed. She relaxes a bit, at least it wasn't something so serious.

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