Part 03 - Surprise!

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It's Tuesday afternoon and Bradley goes to his mom's apartment before picking up Lea from the daycare. He thinks it's weird his mom isn't home and it gets even weirder when he sees his sister, that lives in NY, there. They rented his mom an apartment as soon as Irina moved in with him, because they didn't get along well, and he would be crazy if he kept the two of them fighting under the same roof.

"Hey lil' bro!" Holly says as soon as she sees her brother. She hugs him tight. Of course she's way shorter than him, but he will always be her baby brother.

"Sis, what a surprise! What are you doing here? Did Robert and the kids come too?" He asks confused, but happy to see his sister. It was just weird for her to be there in a weekday.

"Sadly no, I came alone. Mom's out with a friend, so come here, let's have a talk. I wanna know how you are after the big ugly break up. Do I have to call my friends to beat Irina up?" Bradley laughs at his sister's statement.

"Nah, I think it's her friends that are plotting to beat me up." Holly's eyes widens.

"Did you cheat? C'mon Bradley, we didn't raise you to cheat on people." He shakes his head.

"No! I didn't cheat, but I wanted to. I wanted it so much that I actually dreamed about it then Irina noticed and the rest is history. She fled to Russia and I think I should be scared for when she returns." He confesses and Holly calms down a bit.

"That's not so bad and not exactly cheating. Do you want her back? I mean, you look so happy now that she's gone." Bradley shakes his head again.

"I don't want her back, not as my girlfriend, but she's Lea's mom, I'd like to have a friendly relationship with her. And yeah, I'm happy." Holly smirks.

"And what's this happiness' name?" Without thinking he speaks.

"Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta." She laughs and pats her brother's shoulder.

"Oh, she's got a full name. So, this Stefani, does she like you back?" He nods smiling so much his nose crinkles. "Oh bro, I think I've never seen you smile like that."

"Sis, remember when I divorced Jenifer Esposito and you told me I shouldn't cry that much because when I meet that special someone I would know? That someone is Stefani. I just know it." Holly nods the whole time, Bradley never said that about anyone.

"So, Stefani, what do I have to know about her? How did you meet?" Holly asks and then Bradley notices his sister has no idea who he's talking about.

"You really don't know who she is, right?" Holly gets confused.

"Should I?" Bradley laughs.

"You may know her by her artistic name... Lady Gaga, have you heard of her?" His sister almost collapses on her chair.

"Lady Fucking Gaga?? You're telling me that... wait, isn't she engaged or something?" He shakes his head.

"They broke up."

"She ended her engagement to be with you? That's sweet. I'm really speechless now. Mr Mama's Good Boy is in love with Lady Gaga? I never saw that coming. Okay, I saw your movie and you two look stunning together, but I never thought a woman like her would attract you. She's wild, isn't she? Rob will die when I tell him this." Holly wouldn't shut up, so Bradley interrupts her.

"Calm down woman! I know it's shocking and that Stefani is indeed a free spirit, but I think it's what I love most about her. She's her own woman and that's exciting as hell. She's fierce and kind, she has a heart so beautiful that I don't have words to describe it. She's my soulmate." He declares and his sister hugs him.

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