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Melissa's POV

The words Riccardo uttered sank deep down and I bolted up from my seat. My heart clenched and a wave of confusion and fear clouded my mind. What in the world did he mean? What was happening to Anthony?!

He was perfectly fine this evening till.....till he left to go see that old man.

''Melissa, we are very sorry for interrupting however_" Sergio began only to be cut off by his twin.

''You are here having a stupid chitchat with him whilst my brother's getting killed?!" Riccardo spat out angrily and Sergio smacked him on the head as a response. My heart began to race and my breathing quickened.

How could I have been so oblivious? Of course, his father was an abusing maniac. I had to do something, anything.

''I'm so sorry Riccardo, can you please take me there?" I walked towards him, my hand clenched to my chest, hoping my racing heart would calm down a bit. He stared straight at me, anger evident in his eyes. Nevertheless, he walked ahead and motioned me to hurry up.

''Melissa, I don't think that's a good idea!" Nicholas suddenly called out but I paid him no heed and briskly followed the child in front of me.

Nots sparing another second, I departed from the garden. I could feel Nicholas's eyes bore into my back but that was the least thing I could concern myself with at the moment.

If that maniac of a man was actually trying to murder his son, then I had no one to blame but myself.

Riccardo led me to a dark corridor and then turned to me, Sergio right behind us. ''There's a door leading to the study at the end of the corridor, we are forbidden from entering but its not soundproof meaning....'' He paused and I held his hand in response. He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes. He quickly looked away before I could see it drop.

''Mama couldn't handle it and locked herself in her room. Please do something, we are scared he'd really kill him this time.'' Sergio said behind us and I wanted to wrap the boys in a tight hug. How much pain have this family actually gone through? How many untold stories were behind every scar Anthony bore?

I looked down at Riccardo, the anger that could be seen on his face initially had faded and as of that moment, he looked like he'd break into sobs. I looked down at the corridor and true to word, I heard a grunt and a loud thud.

''You guys should go check on Mama, I'll get Anthony out of here. Thank you so much, you're so strong, both of you'' I gave Sergio a pat o his back and admired how strong he was at that moment. I was sure it took every bit of his strength to keep his composure in front of his brother.

''One of us has to be stronger for the other'' that was the interpretation I got from his soft smile and I smiled back.

I took Riccardo's hand, gave it a tiny squeeze and a soft reassuring smile.

With my heart sunk deep in my stomach, I boldly stepped through the dark and made my way to the door. The sounds of agony got louder and I winced at the sound of a metal clanking to the ground.

''You insolent_" I heard from the room and I couldn't help but race to the double door and slam it open with all the strength I could muster. My hand clamped on my mouth at the sickening sight before me. Anthony was on his knees, bleeding and his father was striking him with no remorse or hesitation, back to back with his walking cane.

Once I bolted into the room, the two men turned to face me and I saw Anthony's eyes widen with shock. ''N-No Querida, go ba_" He didn't finish talking and his father hit him across the head with the cane, throwing him off his balance and he landed on the ground.

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