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Nicholas POV

''I feel quite fine Carmichael, there's no need for me to come home, at least until I find the perfect muse'' I grumbled over the phone and stirred the straw in my cup of chocolate milkshake. I sighed audibly and took a long sip before turning my attention to the old man's rants once again.

The sun shone brightly through the windows of my favorite Downtown restaurant and as usual the place was nearly full as people from all over Sandburry filled in to feast on the renowned dishes served here.

Although the place was quite a huge deal, I had always found comfort and some sort enlightenment just sitting down in my favorite seat, beside the indoor plants and at the edge of the room where I could get a clear and undisturbed view of the city from the window.

I would normally just order a cup of coffee and occasionally glance through Vinterest or magazine.

Today was no different. I went there searching again for some sort of pizazz, some sort of flair.

Yet I had received nothing. Apart from weird unsettling thoughts of being chased down by a chicken, my attempts of finally hitting the mark had been futile.

To make matters worse than they already were, Carmichael wouldn't stop talking. He was on like a radio just blabbing non-stop about how worried my parents would be if they found out I was out 'chasing dragons' as they like to call it.

''I disapprove of this your whole fantasy---wild goose chase with this whole inspiration thing you can't seem to find. Aren't you just looking for a nice place or thing to take a picture of? I'm right here, you can take a picture of me and use it. You're a Cole, trust me that name alone will guarantee you success'' My dad would say anytime he heard I was out fishing for a nice catch.

''And be known for what? The guy with a daddy obsession? Respectfully, I'll pass'' I would retaliate and my mom would just laugh in between our constant bickering.

They were just concerned about me and I really appreciated all that but I would be glad if they just let me handle it.

I do admit that the whole Melissa marriage had a toll on me and kind of resulted in me behaving slightly off but that wasn't a solid reason me to confine me at home.

''Yeah I'm not sharing jokes or eating as much as I want to but come on its not everyday you have to witness the love of your life happily skip around with your cousin with daddy issues'' I thought and snickered

I had already planned our future together, I was ready to make her the happiest woman in the woman and without a doubt she bearing my last name would have made me the luckiest man on Earth.

But as usual, Anthony had to be the favored one.

Nonetheless, I was more than happy to be back at Sandburry where I was actually free to perfect my photography skills and exhibit my talent to the world. And yet since I took my camera upon my return, everything just felt unsettling.

Like I said before, I needed some sort of inspiration.

Melissa would have been an excellent muse but unfortunately she declined saying she has too much on her plate.

I couldn't blame her though, it takes much courage to go through what she does each and every single day; being in a house with a man you can barely stand whilst the man you're actually in love with is his cousin.

''If anyone told me, hey Nick you'd finally fall deeply in love with someone but here's the catch, she'd get married to your cousin instead, I would have bluntly told the person they were insane, gone mad even'' I thought and chuckled.

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