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WARNING *** Depictions of violence and abuse present in the chapter. Please proceed with caution**

Melissa POV

No one dared to speak.

The enthusiasm and excitement we each had for this dinner had extinguished and it was all thanks to that one man sitting at the head of the table, clanking his dinner plates with his cutlery as he tried to cut through the meat.

Mama would volunteer to help him out but he'd gruffly dismiss her and we'd all have pretend we didn't see that disheartening interaction.

Anthony still seemed tense and hardly lifted up his head to look at anyone. I noticed a shift in Nicholas's behavior as well and I knew for sure that something was definitely wrong with him as well.

Even Riccardo was as quiet as his twin brother, which was definitely not what I was expecting.

That was when I caught a glance of Anthony's hand tapping nervously on his lap and I instantly registered that his father's presence was having that kind of effect on him.

What exactly did this man do to this sweet family to turn them like this just with his mere presence. It was outrageous to be honest and I had this urge to wrap him in my arms to help him snap out of it.

To tell him he was safe. Safe from all those who treated him poorly, safe from all the trauma and that the monsters were nowhere near him, but from those revolting glimpses Sylvester was throwing our way he was possibly linked to all of Anthony's known fears and even the unknown.

Reaching underneath the table, my hand took a hold of Anthony's and he jerked a bit up in response. Clearly his thoughts were littered everywhere in his mind.

I smiled softly his way and he glanced down at my hand, then back at me and gave me a small smile. He took a hold of my small hand and held them softly in his.

This was clearly unlike him. Was it because of his dad sitting right across us or that he told him he had matters to discuss...or perhaps both.

Whatever it was, I didn't like it one bit.

''So...'' Sylvester began and everyone turned to face him in anticipation. His Spanish accent was thicker than Anthony's and his demeanor was quite threatening. Everyone became very still as we waited for the man to finish sipping on his glass of wine and then address whoever he was referring to.

''How's your father, girl?" He directed at me and my eyes widened in surprise. Everyone suddenly turned to face me and I felt Anthony's hand grip mine tighter. Was he nervous for me, or was he assuring me that everything was going to be fine? I couldn't tell which.

I forced a smile on my face and placed my fork on the plate,'' Oh he's doing quite well Mr. Ramirez, that was nice of you to ask'' I concluded and hoped he'd end it there and focus on someone else.

''That is good. Hopefully you are happy with your...... current circumstances?" He emphasized with his fork and glared at me coldly. I had no idea what he was getting at but I wanted to play it as safe as possible.

''Current circumstances?" I hoped for a better understanding of what he implied and he just got silent then took a long sip from his glass of wine. When the glass ran empty he gestured for Mama to refill it as his dark eyes peered through my soul.

He rudely stretched out his hand to indicate her to halt and proceeded to sip from the newly poured glass.

''Well unlike before you're rich now, enjoying the blood and toil of the Ramirez family empire. Isn't that convenient, girl? No work, no suffering, no sacrifice, all you had to do was marry and you hit the jackpot, eyy?" He slyly remarked and sternly kept his creepy gaze on me.

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