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Melissa POV

''You look stunning, simply breathtaking'' Carl complimented over the video call.

I turned around for him to see the back of the gown and his silly self let out a squeal. He wasn't going to be at the event and he was more like a best friend to me thus I wanted him to be the first person I show the gown to.

He stared at me like a proud father and I couldn't help but relish the lovely feeling I never got.

''Your money papa won't know what hit him'' He snarled and I chuckled.

Chase's party was in two hours and I was already a nervous wreck. Anthony and I had parted ways in the kitchen two hours ago to get ready and in an hour and half I was done showering and applying my makeup.

I let my hair flow down my back.

I just needed to add the finishing touches but I could feel my stomach rumble in excitement over the gown. So in order to satisfy my longing, I decided to try it on even sooner than intended.

My heart was in my stomach as I showed off the gown to Carl and I couldn't imagine what would happen to me when it was time to meet up with Anthony.

''Would he love it? Hope he doesn't get too disappointed" I thought but quickly waved the thought knowing my opinion on the dress was all that matters.

The gown was simply stunning and hugged in all the right places. Accentuating my unmentionables and left me looking like an entirely different person. Once I had finished putting on the piece of art, I could hardly believe such a masterpiece was actually mine.

''Is that another way for saying sugar daddy or something?" I laughed out and carefully took a seat beside the dresser as though the delicate dress would rip apart with the least effort.

He took a sip of the drink in his mug and smiled at me cheekily. I noticed his girlfriend, Eloise walk behind him to the kitchen and passed on a greeting to her.

She was probably the only person on the earth who would agree to live with that mess.

Eloise and Carl had been together ever since they met at one of the college infamous parties and she beat him at a drink off.

It was a feat that shocked all those in attendance due to how quiet and reserved Eloise was in nature and this rattled Carl to the bone.

He couldn't stop raging as she walked off nonchalantly and a great applause roared in the room, empty cups and booing ensued at him instead.

Which was well deserved considering how he made fun of Eloise when she initially approached the beer table.

In order to maintain his title as the man of the party, he couldn't let such a defeat slide. He then outrageously spent the rest of the night tailing poor Eloise in hopes she'd go for a rematch claiming he was just going easy on her.

Well let's just say the night ended disastrously with stupid Carl throwing up on her. She then spent the rest of the college year trying to ignore his existence and he, trying to garner her apology and of course her attention.

How ever they ended up dating, Susan and I had no clue but they made an such an oddly cute couple that we didn't mind, as long as we didn't have to babysit him anymore. She was the looks, the responsible one, the brains and he was just...him.

''Such an upgrade for a mighty nepo baby such as yourself'' He remarked and I stuck my tongue out at him. Carl was one of those people you could never get mad at regardless of how grave their insult was.

Probably because his brain was out of order anyway.

''Look at you, all grown up. It was just a few years ago where you wore that absolutely horrifying dress and clung onto my right thigh at the Jameson frat party. Who would have known you were actually something worth being called a human being under that hideous blubber'' Carl just couldn't compliment me in peace without adding backhanded ones.

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