14.3 The Ripple On The Still Waters

Start from the beginning

The emperor lightly shifted his position to let Lang Yuan lean on his chest. He can feel Lang Yuan's warm breath brushing his own skin causing that little tower below to rise up. Though, the emperor did not indulge to the lust and only kissed Lang Yuan's forehead dearly then tousled a few strands of hair to the side of his ears.

"Speak," Yu XueQin said without looking at the kneeling messenger on the side. He is too busy watching his wife sleeping.

"The Imperial scholar has arrived," the messenger reported.

"Un," Yu XueQin kissed Lang Yuan's forehead again, he can't resist doing it to his wife.

"The Imperial Scholar requests the emperor's presence as soon as possible. Also, the twelfth sign moved last night. They wish to discuss the next action regarding the god killer's whereabouts," the messenger added.

"I understand," Yu XueQin kissed Lang Yuan's forehead one last time before kissing him on the lips. He then placed the youth to the side and tucked him in. Yu XueQin made sure that Lang Yuan is sleeping comfortably before moving to the side.

The naked glory of the emperor came into view; however, the man himself is not shy in showing it. His sculpted body showed only his firm muscles that glistened under the light of the sun. Every movement, the stretch, and expansion of his skin showed a delicious curve that would make anyone want to lick unto the delicacy. Though, amongst the god like body, red scratches can be seen drawn on his back.

For these scratches, there's no need to know who painted it. After all, these scratches are the trophy that he received from his only love. Yu XueQin walked to the corner of the room to get a bathrobe. After slightly closing his nakedness, he sat on the nearby chair to hear more of the message.

Their conversation lasted for an hour before the messenger left with a couple of scrolls. Yu XueQin stood up from the chair and headed towards the bed. Lang Yuan is still sleeping lightly and somehow found his self on Yu XueQin's part of the bed. The emperor smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Lang Yuan stirred from the sudden dipping on his side and turned around. He felt a hand caressing his forehead combined with a quick kiss. He forced to open his eyes to see the other man, even though he already knows that it was only Yu XueQin who would do it. What he saw is a man slightly smiling.

"Good morning," Yu XueQin's kisses are ceaseless. He stole a quick kiss on his lips again.

Lang Yuan was surprised by the sudden attack. He stared at the emperor for a while before blushing his face red. He quickly pulled the quilt over his head to hide away. Yu XueQin chuckled. Instead of taking the quilt away, he took the whole being plus the sheets on his embrace when he swam to the bed again. Now, he looks like a man carrying a huge burrito.

"What are you shy about? Didn't we do it a lot of times last night? The number of shots we made is enough to make up to the twentieth generation," Yu XueQin teased. He poked on the place of the covered burrito where Lang Yuan's cheeks would be placed.

Trapped in a closed space, there would be a time when Lang Yuan would feel suffocated. Yu XueQin did not stop from teasing him and somehow started touching him from places that should not be touched. He squirmed every time he does it increasing his use of oxygen rendering his trapped self helpless. When things are almost to the limit, he struggled to get out from the quilt. Yu XueQin helped him removed it in an instant.

His head popped out with a gasp. His forehead was wet from the sweat that accumulated from the moment of heat. After a few breaths, Lang Yuan managed to recover and glared at the sneering emperor. Now, another problem came. He was still trapped with the quilt restricting his whole body from moving. All he can do now is to move his head sideways to which did not help him much.

He looked like a large baby bundle.

"I caught you," Yu XueQin proudly said.

"You're cheating," Lang Yuan murmured.

"Am I?" The emperor laughed. "Should you not be the one?"

The emperor caught Lang Yuan's mouth again, though, this time the kiss is not quick. His tongue plundered the depth of Lang Yuan's mouth, unraveling each corner and caverns until he had filled himself full. He tangled and played with his tongue, pulling him to enter his mouth until the fight of dominance started. Lang Yuan did not sit down and reciprocated the fight.

The kiss lasted for a long time until both figures are losing air. A trail of silver line was created when they parted, both breathing close to each other's faces. Yu XueQin watched the face of his wife with adornment, recording every trifling detail to be imprinted to his valuable memory. Lang Yuan could even see the slight blush formed from the silly face of the emperor. He laughed.

"What's funny?" Though, the emperor also liked his laughter.

"Nothing," Lang Yuan lied.

"You won't say?"


"Okay, then I should punish you from not telling."

"H-hey, wai- ahnn..."

The emperor proceeded on attacking his neck. Like how he dominated his kiss, Yu XueQin did not think that this part is different so he sucked and licked as if tasting a very delicious food. Lang Yuan who has been sensitive for so long could feel each pull of his nerves making him moan subconsciously. He could have responded by touching the emperor but right now he was trapped. The feeling of being restrained made him feel more from the touches.

"Ahn... no.. sto..." Lang Yuan started tearing up. He was really getting stimulated.

The emperor only stopped his naughty acts when he thought that the marks are enough. He ended the whole session with a peck on Lang Yuan's cheeks. Lang Yuan pouted from the attack and adorably glared at the emperor.

"Okay, Okay, I won't do you today," Yu XueQin said. "Zhong Song has arrived. We have to meet him."

"Oh, Lao Shi?" Lang Yuan repeated. "That was fast."

"Which? You or me?" Yu XueQin asked.

Lang Yuan narrowed his eyes, throwing daggers to the emperor. Yu XueQin laughed again.

"Well, we should be happy that he arrived early. After all, the twelfth sign moved last night."

"Eh? But didn't you say that-"

"The god killer is getting impatient. It was only a few months when the last sign appeared. It seems that he is hurrying up."

"Then we shall also hurry," Lang Yuan, thought. "Also, let me join the meeting."


"I-I wanted to help... I-I'm pretty much good in finding details. Maybe I can-"

Yu XueQin kissed him again. "Of course, if my empress wishes."

The emperor let go of the huge baby bundle and let Lang Yuan escape from his grasp. Lang Yuan happily peeled the quilt from his body when he noticed that he is naked... Wait, is he naked all of this time? With a confused look, he looked at the emperor who has been watching him strip all this time. He could even detect that stare that is directed to the little mounds below...

"Ah!" Lang Yuan quickly ran to the bathroom to change clothes, leaving the laughing emperor behind.


Yay! I updated!

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