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“Shh… It’s A Secret”

<>What is the genre?

It’s a teen romance.

<>What makes it stand out from other stories with the same genre?

I think that, despite what it might look like at first, what makes it stand out is the way my story weaves around the common clichés. Sure he’s a rock star and she’s an everyday girl. But he doesn’t just shows up and sweeps her off her feet and she’s not a nerd nor an outcast. And I believe the way they cross the friendship line is different from a lot of stories out there. Is it completely unique? Probably not. But it’s worth reading, I promise.

<>Would you give a short summary of your book?

It’s the story of Emma who moves to her Uncle’s place for senior year and finds out that her rock star crush and former acquaintance, Tobias, secretly lives next door. It’s also the story of Tobias who keeps many secrets, including the girl who inspired most of his band’s songs and that he hadn’t seen in years until fate brings her back to LA at the same time his band is staying there to work on their next album.

<>In your opinion, why should people read your book?

Because it’s a great love story that will make you laugh sometimes and it’ll definitely touch you.

<>What do you struggle with most when first creating a new story?

The first chapter is one of the hardest to write because it’s hard to decide where and how a story should begin. That and scenes when everything seems to happen at the same time. I just often find myself rewriting those over and over to get it right. And even then, it’s not always perfect.

<>How do you create your characters/their personalities?

From physical features to habits to how they speak, my characters are mostly a mixed me, my friends, my family, my co-workers and sometimes just random people I come across, depending on the background I give them.

<>How did you come up with the title?

Shh… It’s a Secret sort of came to me at the same time as the plot line. It felt perfect for all the secrets my main characters have.

<>What is your favorite part of the writing process?

I think it’s when I reach the end of a story. It’s a bittersweet part because I know I’m saying goodbye to characters that have been in my mind for months or years. But there’s no better feeling than to realize I’ve just finished a story.

<>Where do you usually find inspiration?

That’s a hard one. Often it will come just by looking at random things and spacing out – which I tend to do a lot. But when I’m on a writer’s block, there are two places I go to find inspiration. One is a park near my house and the other is sort of an interior zoo called the Biodôme.

<>Do you have any strange writing habits?

Not really. Though there is something I always do before starting to write a new story or chapter and it’s listening to a song called What Happens Next by my friends’ band The Material. For some reason, that song just gets my mind on story mode.

<>What authors have inspired you?

Becca Fitzpatrick is my favorite author and she’s one of my biggest inspirations now. But, Stephanie Meyer inspired me to really start writing. Toying with the unfinished Midnight Sun for fun made me realize I actually could write.

<>What are your goals for your story?

My goal is rather simple. For people to read my story and be entertained by it.

<>What would you like to say to your readers?

THANK YOU! I know it’s a bit of a lame answer but really, that people take the time to read my book is truly appreciated.

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