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<>Is there a specific story you'd like to talk about?

Oh probably "Nervous?"

<>Okay :) What is the genre?

Teen fiction and Romance.

<>There are tons of books on Wattpad with the same genres. What makes your unique or different from them?

Because mine isn't happy or cliché, mine won't have a happy ending and my characters are far from perfection. They’re flawed and have multiple faults.

<>How can readers relate to your characters?

Because all (most) of my characters are teenagers, and majority of my readers are teen aged. Everything that my characters do, are what we (they, the readers) do or want to do.

<>Will you give a short summary of your book?

Teenage adolescents are known for doing stupid, immature, illegal and downright dangerous things; going to parties, smoking, having sex, getting high, drunk and everything in-between. The boys get arrested, girls get pregnant and the rest are left with regrets for years afterwards, or worse, chlamydia. They keep the memories; ink on their skin, children created and the early grave from lung cancer or, more commonly, liver failure.

It’s all part of being a teenager and we’ve all done one or another, or both, or all. It’s all fun and games, laughter, and such, but there is one thing you do not want to participate in, for your own safety.

Nervous. One of the most peer-pressurest (that may not be a word in your vocabulary, but it is in mine), intimate, disgusting game, ever, in the history of revolting party games.

Sure, ‘Spin the bottle’ and ‘Never have I ever’ are bad, but this, this is on a whole different level.

Why? Guess.

Are you nervous?

You should be.

<>What do you personally like best about your story so far?

I like my main character, Mila. She's absolutely awesome.

<>Is there anything particular about her that makes her awesome?

She's confident and expresses herself without holding back. She's not afraid to say something because she thinks it's wrong. That being said though, she sleeps around a lot, and that's not too good, nor a good quality.

<>What are some challenges you have had while writing this book?

Lack of feedback probably. I wasn't sure whether people like the book or not. After a while I requested at the end of each chapter that they tell me what they think, and then after that I had much more motivation. Also, I got quite a lot of writers block, and that slowed me down. Sometimes I felt that my characters weren't good enough, like if you put them up against someone else's, so when that happened I had to go back to the other chapters of the story and focus on one character at a time. After that I could get a better picture of who they really were. Even though it was a tedious thing to do, I feel as though it kept my characters who they were, even if it was a challenge.

<> How do you create your characters?

Well lets take my main character for example, Mila. So I'm the kind of girl that sits in her room and would rather read than party, but my family still see's me as a kind of troublesome child. Even though I'm in my teenage years, the still seem to think that when I get to like, for example, eighteen, I'll be a total slut; getting high all the time. etc. Mila (I hope my friends don't see this haha) is the kind of person that person don't want me to be exactly, but think I'll turn out like. Mila looks like me, but people reading that don't know it. Mila is loved and had loyal friends, something I probably don't have but wished I had. Mila has sex to drown out her fears, something that I would probably never do, because intimacy is my fear. She was my escape if the real world, to see how I would react in that world; my world. Don't get me wrong, we are different in many ways, by the base of me is in her. That's another reason why I love her more than the rest of my characters, she’s how I am.

This is the only time I have put myself as my characters though, the rest of them are simply based around the first one I make. I have sheets of paper that help me plan characters, I would say here but it would be much too long. I spend the most time on making my characters, making them individual and special. I don't usually take them from people I know, but every-so-often if I come across a peculiar person I might mold them into a scene. :D

I actually find a plot first, then add the characters around it; so the characters attributes all relate; tall if they need to be to do this in the book, etc.

<>What was your inspiration for this story?

Watching the people in my class get high and drunk and be passed out in the middle of the road. No seriously, that's pretty much it.

<>Do you have a least favorite character? Why/why not?

Yeah I suppose. It would probably be the boring characters, the ones that are least important and don't have a very important back story. I would much rather spend my writing, writing about the mains rather than the extras.

<>In your opinion, why should people read your book?

Because it isn't mainstream and it's different from all the others. Its relate-able to teenagers, because its about them and and because it's about what they/we do.

<>Why did you want to start writing? Did something inspire you to?

I just had so much time on my hands. I started at the beginning of this year, a chapter at a time, and soon enough I was vastly improving. I was inspired by watching Supernatural the T.V show, and so my first book was about supernatural creatures, haha. That book was removed from Wattpad a month ago when I realized how horrible it was. Haha c:

<>Do you have any advice for other undiscovered authors on Wattpad?

My advice for undiscovered authors would be to be active on Wattpad; go on threads, comment, vote and talk to people. People will find you that way, check out your profile and then check out your books. That would be my advice, haha.

<>What would you like to say to your readers?

Thank you so much! I would be literally nothing without them, and I owe them for everything. Thank you for checking up with my book for every update, and even when it was late, you still were there. Thank you for the votes, you didn't need to vote, but you did anyway.

Again, thank you for everything, I would be nothing without you.

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