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“Howlin’ For You”

<>What is the genre?


<>What makes it stand out from other stories with the same genre?

The MC doesn't fall in love with the first Alpha she meets. Hallelujah! No, haha, in all seriousness, one of the Alphas is a cook. A good cook. Yes, sexy man + cooking + werewolf. Livin' the dream.

<>Would you give a short summary of your book?

Twenty-one year old Katie, a regular human girl, is about to face some life-changing challenges after attending a charity ball with her friend, Marq. With no one else to support her, Katie tries her best to manage her life while discovering a new one of werewolves. She's stuck between an overprotective alpha and her mysterious mate. Will she stay with her caring white knight or trail along into deep depths with a dark knight?

<>In your opinion, why should people read your book?

To be honest, I know it's different. It's different from other werewolf stories to start off with. I put a lot of hunks in there, ladies. Wink. I plan on putting some twists to leave you gasping for air whilst clenching your heart in pain so if you're into that stuff, check by my story any time.

<>What do you struggle with most when first creating a new story?

This is my first story so of course, I'm not used to updating/ etc. Creating this story, I felt skeptical about what people thought of it. I mean, I write for myself, but also for other people. If I wanted to write for myself, I wouldn't have published it, y'know? First chapter jitters. "Are people going to hate it? Does my story suck?" All that jazz.

<>How do you create your characters/their personalities?

Actually, I base my characters off real life people. Katie, Marq, and Jeff are actually really close friends of mine. I'll add a bit here and there, but aside from the fact that they're not werewolves, their personalities are practically identical.

<>How did you come up with the title?

Listening to The Black Keys.

<>What is your favorite part of the writing process?

Picturing it in my head. A movie is playing in my head and I'm trying my best to keep up with it by writing it all down. I get to rewind the movie and change parts if I wanted to. It's my movie, I can do whatever I want with it.

<>Where do you usually find inspiration?

Fans, comments, votes. Sorry if that's original, but it's true. Like I said, if I didn't care about my fans, then I wouldn't have published the book. I'm also inspired to write because my best friend, Katie (MC), reads the story. It's pretty cool to have a real life fan.

<>Do you have any strange writing habits?

I don't know if it's strange but whenever I write something then change the scene, I copy paste it into another file. I have a whole lot of text that I removed from my story. They're like the 'deleted scenes' of my story. Maybe I'll publish them someday.

<>What authors have inspired you?

All you werewolf authors! In specifics though, the usual, kylekay, Alyssa Brandon, Lydia161290, CeceAnnT, and xXdemolitionloverXx.

<>What are your goals for your story?

To finish the story. I want to grip readers. I want them to feel emotions when reading my story. I want to crush them. I want to make them cry, to feel the pain of a character. I want to move people with my story.

<>What would you like to say to your readers?

You must be pretty obsessed with me to be reading this interview. Just kidding, I love you dorks. There may be just a few of you, but you're cutesy little bundles of sunshine to me.

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