23 - Realization

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Sup! Im still dead... BUTTTTT!! MAH BEARSS! DID YOU GADDAMN SEE THE GADDAMN  TEASEERRRRSS?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 'Boy With Love' ft. Halsey Teaser 1 and 2! Check it! Stream it! Dont care if it's a teaser, but it'll kill you.


Author's POV

Next Day

The sun shone through the window, making Jaehun wake up with a big headache because of her hangover.

"Ugh! What the hell happen?" She said as she held onto her head.

She noticed that she wasnt in her bedroom. That's where she started panicking.

She sat up the bed and a cold breeze hit her body. She was so confused why it was cold.

She looked under the covers and noticed that she was naked and there was blood stain on the white bed, her eyes widened.

"Is it gone?" she asked herself.

She looked beside her and saw a familliar white back.

"Yoongi?" She whispered

She turned the guy around and was so shocked to find who it was. She was right! It was Yoongi.

She stood up and put on her clothes and took pills for her hangover.

She quickly ran out of the room and out of the bar.

She took her phone from her bag and dialed Jimin.

Jaehun's POV

Chim Chim here.

Chim I'll leave today.

What? Did something happen?

I can't tell you now. Contact him. I need to go far away.

But he's in England.

I need to go there.

I'll contact him. But tell me why are you leaving so early.

Ok. Let's meet in my room while I pack. Bye.

Ok. Bye, Take care.

I pulled a cab over and headed to the hotel.

Once I arrived, I ran to my bedroom.

Once I opened the door, I was greeted with worried friends.

"Jae, What happened?" AeCha asked.

I hurriedly went to my closet and rechecked everything in my luggage.

"I must leave. Far away from him..." I said.

"Who him? Yoongi Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes." I said

"What happened?" Zake asked

[I forgot about Zake Anderson😂😂 and Namjoon too... (Im sorry my baby Joonie)]

"He did it." I said

"Did what?!?! Jaehun talk to us!" Jinae asked.

I stood up and sat down on my bed.

"He took it. My Vir**ni**. I woke up in a different surrounding... A-A-And I didnt have my C-Clothes on... I-I-I-I saw a man beside me A-A-And noticed it was Y-Y-Yoongi..." I sobbed.

AeCha, Jinae, and Haewon were comforting and Taehyung, Zake, Namjoon, and Jungkook were trying to calm down the raging Jimin.

"Shh~~ It's ok... we will get through this..." Jinae hugged me

"Wait." Jimin said making us look at him.

"Why?" Aecha asked

"Did he use protection?" He asked. My eyes widened realizing that I didnt check.

"I-I-I dont know" I said.

"Im going to kill that guy!!" Jimin yelled in anger.

"Jimin... calm down.. we can checkup later" Aecha said making him calm down.

"Come on. Change then meet us downstairs" Haewon said as she started to dial someone.

Everyone left leaving me alone in this room.

I hugged myself...

"I'm sorry... if I have this child, Im sorry that you may not be able to meet your dad. But if Fate brings you and him together, I wont interfere... I will stand as your mother and father for now. I hoped that Yoongi and I won't have this kind of relationship then this wont be complicated..."

I stood up and went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

"I will take care of you. I wont care if you leave me, I just want you to be happy..."

I washed my face and took a quick bath then put on a  red top and black leggings and put on my black timberlands.

I headed downstairs to the lobby to be greeted by the girls, The boys where no where to be found.

"There you are! Come on. I asked my cousin who is an owner of an hospital here in Daegu for an appointment to check you up." Haewon said.

"We should hurry before Yoongi comes back and sees you. Tbe boys are in the van if your wondering" Jinae said

We headed to the van and they started to drive. They told me to take a nap since it will be a long journey.

Yoongi's POV

I woke up with a headache.

"Ugh what happened?" I said.

Then I remembered. I did it to Jaehun! WITHOUT THE FUCKING CONDOM!

She wasnt beside me anymore.

"shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit" I said as I took my clothes and went out of the room returning the key to the guy. I ran to the hotel but was a bit delayed when a speeding van almost ran over me.

I noticed there was a familliar girl leaning on the window sleeping but I couldnt see her properly since it was so fast.

Once the car was away. I continued to run to the hotel. I went knocked on her room door repeatedly, but no answer.

"Please Jaehun. Talk to me" I said leaning down the door.

But still no answer. I knocked in the others  door. A neighbor opened the door to look at who was knocking.

"Excuse me? Can you quiet down a bit? I just placed my kids to bed." The lady said.

"I'm sorry" I bowed.

"Anyways, are you looking for the people who stays there?" She asked

"Yes, Ma'am" I replied.

"I overheard that they were going to check up in the nearest hospital." She said.

"Thanks" I said as I ran to the elevator. I ran outside the building once the elevator doors opened. I went to the nearest hospital which is 'Daegu Private Hospital'

I was at  the door but I hesitated...

"What if she doesnt want to see me... She'll hate me for doing that..."

I looked at my feet thinking off all of the mistakes I've done...

"She wont forgive me... not anymore..."


Supppp!! Surpriseee triple update!!! I love y'all!! Watch the teaser! Ok baii


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