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Previously on Run Away

He kissed my cheeks and left.

He kissed my cheeks?!?!?!?

Why are you making me fall in love with you more!?


"Woah!!  You guys look handsome!! " I cheer when the boys got out.

"At least we did good!!"  The girls said making me giggle.

"Where is Yoongi-Hyung,  Noona? " Jimin asked me looking for the older male.

" He left for a meeting" I said. "Ohh,  Do you guys wanna go to the festival? " Jimin asked.

" Sure but lets get snacks first!" I said going to the counter as we paid for the clothes.  I paid for Yoongi's too.

We went to R**** Fast food.  We ordered burger and coke. We ate our foods while enjoying each other's stories.

"Soooooo, Jimin and Ae-cha, when's the wedding?" Jin-ae asked.

"Um..  I think in the next 3 months" Ae-Cha said."I can't wait for that long!! " Jimin sulked in his seat We couldn't help it but laugh at his childish attitude.

"Let's finish eating now! Our food is going to get cold" Jin said. 

After eating we left the fast food and went to the parking lot.

"Where is the festival? Cause as long as I lived here I think there is no festivals around" I said. "There is a festival just a couple of blocks from here.  We can use ae-cha's brother's car which I luckily had time to borrow" Jimin said.

"I didn't know you could drive! I remember the last time you tried to drive was when the car broke down the moment you accelerated" I said laughing

"That was in the past!!  I got my license from Philippines!! " He said.

We walked to the parking area and went to the car, luckily it was a family car. Jimin sat at the driver's seat and Ae-Cha sat beside him We sat at the back seat

He drove to the festival,  After a few minutes we arrived

We went out

" Woah!!  I wonder what they are celebrating!! " I asked in awe

It had fairy lights that looked like flowers and a arch saying Flower Festival

" Oh!! How come this never notified me!! " I said as we went in. We looked around to see what they had prepared.

'Picture Booth for happy couples'

'Ice cream!!  Couple Ice Cream is on the menu!!'

'Booth for Marriage'

'Keychain for couples'

" Why are there a ton of couple stuffs!?!? " I asked since Yoongi isn't with me.

"When you are a third wheeler"  Areum said and laughed.

"Ohh look they are selling Couple Phone key chains" Hae- Won squealed pulling Jungkook with her as we followed them.

"Get now!! For free! " He said. If its free how come there is no people going to his shop?

" Yay!! " They cheered

" It will glow when your partner is near, We have blue, red,  pink,  white,  and green! " He said

Ae-Cha and Jimin took the green one. Hae-Won and Jungkook took the white one. Areum and Jin took the pink one. Jin-Ae and Taehyung took the red one.

They putted it on their phones. We were about to leave when the man said.

"Aren't you going to get any,  young lady? " He asked kindly

" Um..  No thanks my husband isn't around" I said returning the gesture.

"Ohh married! I have the perfect thing for you and your husband!! " He said looking at boxes

"Ok"  I said waiting. He gave me 2 necklaces that had this letter pendant.

"Give this to your husband,  Young Lady" He said telling me to give the one with the letter J.

"So I will wear this 'Y' pendant necklace? " I said. "Yes!  The color will change when the person's mood changes" He said

"Ok,  May I know what the colors mean? " I asked

"Transparent means Nothing,  Blue means sad, yellow means happy,  Purple means fear,  Red means Anger, Green means Lie and lastly Pink means love"  He said

"Oh!  Thank you!! " I said wearing the necklace.  It was transparent. hmm he's probably just on his normal mood.

We were about to leave, but I stopped in shock when I heard the man yell.

"Remember to give it to Min Yoongi, Min Jaehun!! " He yelled. I turned around and didn't see the shop at all as in like it vanished

What just happened?!?

"Let's go to that shop!!"  Ae-Cha said pointing at the KPOP merchandises. "Ok! " We all went there

We saw a sign saying 'We pay half the prize!!'

" OMG!!  It is seriously a lucky day!! " Aruem squealed.

We bought posters.  We bought a EXO and GOT7 poster,  I bought a Mark poster,  Ae-Cha bought a Jackson poster, Hae-Won bought a Chanyeol poster, Areum bought a Baekyun poster,  Jin-Ae bought a Sehun poster.

We left the shop with our dream posters.

"I can't believe it!! My wallet is hungry!! " Jin said looking at his wallet. "Don't worry I'll treat you something tonight" Aruem said.

"Ew!! Get a room!! " Jungkook said

" That is not what I mean't!! I'm going to cook for him when we eat dinner!!" Aruem blushed.

"Hehe! Come on lets ho fo the play area" Taehyung said dragging his girlfriend. "I'm too lazy,  Taehyung" Jin-Ae said.

"Arraseo! I'll carry you" Taehyung said kneeling for her to ride his back. She wrapped her arms on his neck and he held onto her legs to make sure she's secured.

"Let's go! " Taehyung said. We walked to the arcade.

"Hey lets go to the crane machine!! " I said pulling Ae-Cha. "Arraseo Eomma!"  Ae-Cha said

I looked at the plushy crane machine as the others secretly left me.

"Hey do you guys wanna pla---" I noticed that I was talking to thin air. I saw them looking at those couple games.

"How dare they leave me" I said in a betrayed voice.

I looked at the crane machine and saw a Kumamon plushie.This Kumamon reminds me of Yoongi.  Cause he is lazy but he is actually cute and loving

I placed a penny inside and started playing it. The claw started going left then back until it was at top of the Kumamon.  I clicked 'Grab'  button as it slowly went down then it went up I carried it to the pit where you put it to get them.  It was soooo close then it fell.

"Ugh!!  This is cheating!! " I thought frustratingly. "You are horrible at playing that" Someone said behind me that made me shriek

"Jungkook!! " I shrieked. "Sorry to scare you but can I try? " He asked

" Ok" I said clearing a space for him.

He placed a penny in and played it. Surprisingly he got the Kumamon.

"Woah! Thank you!!" I thanked him as he gave me the Kumamon.

"You know Kumamon is Yoongi-Hyung's favorite. " He said."He doesn't look like he does" I said.

"Well there are many secrets you haven't seen" He said

"I'll go back to my girlfriend now,  Bye" He said going to Hae- Won

I was walking around when I heard something.

"Yoongi-Oppa!  Win me this Kumamon please"

Yoongi?!?!  I don't remember him having a sister!?!?



Thank you for reading chapter 4


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