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Previously on Run Away

What have I ever done to you Min Yoongi? "


Min Yoongi' POV

I don't know what's wrong with me today. My head's just jumbled...

I close the piano and get up to go to our bedroom where I saw her sleeping with the lights on and blankets off.

I close the lights and cover both of us with the fluffy blanket, hugging her close to me.

I do love you... I just.. I don't know if I should... I'm sorry...

Jaehun's POV

I woke up with the sound of the birds chirping outside and the sun rays hitting my skin. I tried to get up but an arm, draped around me, stopped me causing me to fall back to bed.

I looked at Yoongi and saw him peacefully sleeping. He looked much better when he doesn't have a stern face.

"You really have a shitty attitude, but why did you get blessed by handsomeness and hotness... " I said observing his face

" So you think I'm hot?? " He suddenly said opening his eyes while smirking at me

"Eekkk!!" I exclaim while going under my covers to hide my embarrassed face

"Aww did you get embarrassed?" He said and I can hear him chuckling about it


"No? you sure??" He says but I didnt hear anything else.

Suddenly, the covers were snatched away from me, exposing me. I see Yoongi at the end of the bed. 

"Hey!! --- AHHHHHH PUT ME DOWN!!! " I screamed on top of my lungs as he lifts me out of the bed and carry me like a princess.

" Yah! Stop it my ears are going to die" He said. "If you dont want me to drop you then don't move too much and hold tight" He says, which made me stop.

"You know I can walk, right?" I mumbled

"Yes I do but I just--- Mom? Dad?" Yoongi says shocked. I look at the direction he's looking at and notices our parents in the living room.

"Looks like the happy couple are up! " My mom said. "Mom? How'd you guys get in?"

"We have our spare keys" They said. "Oh.. " I said not even noticing he is still carrying me

" So how long are you two gonna be in that position? " His father said looking at us.

That's when I remember that I'm still being carried. Yoongi softly puts me down.

" Do you want anything? " I said blushing since our parents just saw him carrying me.

" No, we are good" They said "Ok,  I'll just prepare some snacks. " I said bowing then going to the kitchen.

I was preparing some crackers when I remembered something.

" Ay! Sh*t!!  I forgot!!" I said slapping myself. I looked at my watch "Ok good, I have 2 more hours"  I said in relief. I went back to the living room to serve the snacks.

"So,  What did you guys come here for? " I asked sitting beside Yoongi.

" Well we planned your honeymoon!! " His mother clapped her hands "Huh? " Me and Yoongi asked confused

"You guys will be going to Jeju Island!!  You will be there starting....um... Thursday!!"  My Eomma clapped her hands too

"But I thought you said no honeymoon?" Yoongi asked his mom.

"Dear, I'm pretty sure Jaehun would love to go, plus you guys can't say no" His mother said, looking at Yoongi sternly. Ah. I see where Yoongi got his looks

"When will we come back? " Yoongi asked a bit pissed.

" Next month." My dad said

" Next month!?! Isn't that too long?? What in the world do you guys think we'll be doing there? " I exclaimed.

" Oh shush! Me and your dad had a 2 months honeymoon and you know that we will be needing some small feet running around." My mother said giggling with Yoongi's mother.

"Ahem" I coughed looking away.

"Ok now that we told you that.  We have to go now" They said standing up. "OK,  thank you for visiting us! " I said bowing as they left.

"Yoongi I'm going to take a bath first" I say as I head upstairs. I didn't hear any reply. He's probably pissed for some reason again.

I get in the bathroom and undress. I dip my body in the warm bath " Haaaa!! So warm" I said. After soaking for a bit, I changed into a short black skirt and white blouse. I took my black slingbag and placed my money and phone inside and went downstairs.

"Where are you going? " Yoongi asked from the living room. "To meet my friends. " I said putting on my shoes.

"Ill go with you"  He said immediately standing up. "But don't you have a meeting? " I asked.

"That is later"  He said as he went upstairs to change before I could say anything else. Well I will be telling them that I got married.

Minutes later he went downstairs wearing a black pants and white shirt. Oh. we're mathcing today.

"Come on" He said going outside to his car with me following him.

"Which mall was it?? " He asked as we start buckling our seatbelts.

"Um..  It was the J****** mall!"  I said

"Ok" He said driving off

5 minutes later

"That took longer than expected" I said stretching as soon as I got out of the car.

" Come on let's find them" He said holding my hand. "Why are you holding my hand? " I asked

" Let's just go now" He said completely ignoring me. "Ok? " I said.

We walked to K****** cafe because that's where we planned to meet.

"They said to meet up here" I said as I pulled him inside. I looked around for them and saw 4 people who looked really familiar. I went to them leaving Yoongi to look around.

"Um..  Excuse me but are you Ae-Cha?" I asked one of the girls in that group

"Jaehun?? " They asked "Yes? " I said

" OmG!!  Jaehun it's us!!! You changed so much!! " They said standing up to hug me.

" OMg!!  I miss you guys!!! " I said hugging them. "Come on sit beside us!! " Hae- Won said.

" Thanks! " I said sitting beside them. " So, how was Philippines?? " I asked.

"It was awesome!! The Luneta Park was cool,  the artifacts were also awesome!! We went to different beaches too!!  But the traffic is the worst! " Jin-Ae said

" Woahh!!  That must be so cool!! " I said.  "How bout you?? Did something happen while we were gone?? You were the only one that didn't go with us. " Aruem said

" Well something did happen, which is also a reason why I couldnt go with you guys" I said

"What happened? " They asked, waiting for all the tea. "Wait here"  I said standing up looking for Yoongi. I saw Yoongi near the exit.

"Yoongi!! " I yelled going to him. "Can you stop yelling?" He said in a irritated voice. 

"Hehe!  Come on I want to introduce you to someone! " I said pulling him

" Ok" He said following him. We arrived at the table

"Woah!! Jaehun!!  Who is this cute man beside you? Is he your new boyfriend?" Jin-Ae asked

"This is Min Yoongi.  He is my husband" I said showing my ring.

"YOUR HUSBAND!?!?" They exclaimed making everyone look at us. "Oops sorry" They apologized

"Since when? " They asked "Yesterday" I said as we sat down.

"Why didn't you invite us to your wedding?? " They asked sulking.

" You were in Phillipines" I said. "Hmp!!  You could have told us so we could go home! " Aruem said crossing her arms.

" Hehe..  Where are the boys? " I asked "Oh they are at the counter ordering" They said pointing at 4 guys ordering. We talked for a while, waiting for the guys to come back so that Yoongi won't be lonely.

"Hey we are back and here are your orders!! " The boys came back carrying trays. They noticed that I already arrived, which took them a bit of adjusting.

" Jaehun!?!? " They asked looking at me. "Yes" I said smiling.

"Woah you changed so much!! " They said but when they looked at Yoongi their expression went from happy to shocked.

" Yoongi?!?!? "

" Hyung!?!?!? "


Thanks for reading chapter 2!!


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