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Previously on Run Away

"How dare you talk to me like that?!?!? We are just arranged to be married ok!! You are not a husband to me!! You are just a stranger!! Maybe people think that we love each other but I don't love you anymore!! And I am not the one who cheated!! You did!! I saw you a couple of times already!! With the h*e that I saw when I was middle school!!! And I never slept with anyone!!! You don't know that because you don't even know me!! Why did I agreed on this stupid arrangement!?!?!? Why didn't I even file a divorcement paper when we got married!?!?!? I wish that you were never in my life!! " I yelled at him as people started videoing us

I didn't care anymore. I left the scene completely forgetting about Chanyeol that I just left behind

I drove towards the house and took my things for the trip. After taking them and putting them on my car I left and went to Jimin's House


Yoongi's POV

Her words kept repeating in my mind..

'Cheated with that h*e that I saw in middle school! '

They met already!?

' You don't know that cause you don't know me! '

Her words kept repeating..

"Dude you shouldn't have said that to her" Chanyeol said.

I know Chanyeol because of my career.

"Just Shut it. " I looked at him coldly as I left. I went to my car.

" Ughhh!! " I yelled placing my head on the wheel.

" I have to apologize.. " I told myself starting the car hoping that she was there.

I arrived.. But didn't see her car. I unlocked the door and went in.

" Jaehun? " I called out. I kept calling for her but no one responded. I looked at every inch of the house. I started to get worried. I took out my phone and called Jin hyung.

"Yeoboseyo? Hyung?.. Do you know where Jaehun is?.... Ani??.... Arreseo.... Can you please ask the others.... Ok.. Annyeong. " I ended the call.

I called her phone.

*Ring Ring Ring*

" Im sorry but the number your calling is off please try again later"

"Ugh!! Where the hell is she?!?!?" I said ruffling my hair, sitting down at the couch.

Jaehun's POV

"Jaehun.. Stop crying, Hyung didn't mean that. " Jimin said comforting me.

" I know he meant that... " I sobbed.

" Don't worry I will chop him if you like" Ae-Cha said trying to comfort me but the same time trying to stay calm.

"No. It's ok.. I'm sorry for bothering both of you.. " I said.

" It's ok! You are my sister after all!" Jimin said.

"I'm so sorry..... " I apologized.

"Should we still go to the trip?" Jimin asked.

"Yes.. I prepared that for the couples and us... I cant let that go to waste" I said.

"Are you sure?" Ae-Cha asked. "Yes. " I said.

" Ok... But is that Yoongi guy going with us? " Ae-Cha asked me rolling her eyes when she said his name.

" Ani... I want to feel single again... Not tied with any marriage for now.. " I said.

" Ok. Jagi!! Can you fix the guest room?" Ae-Cha yelled.

" Ok Jagi" Jimin said going upstairs.

"Thanks again.. I really appreciate it.. I will be resting now" I bowed

"Ok. I will go to my room now.. Just knock if you need anything" Ae-Cha said as we both went up going to the rooms

I saw Jimin there, He looks worried and..... Mad.

"Jiminnie, Are you ok? " I asked patting his shoulder.

"De.. I'm just worried for you" He said.

"Don't worry about me! If you do you will get older than me" I said making him chuckle.

"Where is Ae-Cha? " He asked.

" Oh. She is inside your room, You should go because I want to sleep" I said.

"Arraseo... Just knock if you need anything" Jimin said

"Yes yes!! Now shoo shoo" I said waving my hands in the air shooing him

"Good night Noona" He teased leaving the room

"Yah! I told you not to call me Noona!" I yelled smiling

I missed old days.. When me and Jimin where happy, Playful, But sometimes we also fight

I laid down trying to sleep.

Why did I even agree to this stupid arrangement.... But... I wonder what Yoongi is doing

Yoongi's POV

I kept dialing her number but she won't answer

My phone suddenly rang. I thought it was Jaehun but...

It was just Tae..

What do you want?

Woah Hyung chill! I just want to ask if your OK. Jin-Hyung told us what happened with you.. Do you want to come over the dorm for a while?

Ok. I will be there at 10

Sweet! Ok we will wait! Annyeong!!

I ended the call.

I took my coat and drove toward the dorm

After a few minutes later. I arrived and was greeted by the members... Except Jimin

"Hyung!?!? You look like a bird tried to make a nest on you head! " Jungkook said but I gave him a glare

"Hyung! Shall we go inside and talk?" RM asked

"Ok" I saud as we went inside and talk, played and watched

Jaehun's POV

I couldn't sleep so I went to the bathroom. I looked at my luggage if my towel was there but.... My bag wasn't there..

Maybe I was in a hurry that I forgot about that bag..

I went out and stopped in front of their door.. I was about to knock

"Jaehun? Do you need something? " I heard someone say at my right making me scared

"AE-CHA!! Aigoo!! You are going to make me old!!" I said clutching onto my shirt

"Sorry.. Do you need something? " She asked

" Ah, Yes.. I forgot one of my bags" I said giving my house keys

"Ah!! OK! Jagiya!!!! Get out of bed Ppali!! " She said getting my keys and opening the door

"Fine... Do you need something?" He asked with a low voice getting out of bed

"Please get Jehun's bag at her house! And get some groceries since the fridge is empty" Ae-Cha said giving him a kiss

"Hey! No smooching in front of me" I said covering my eyes

Jimin gave me a glare with Ae-Cha just laughed giving him my keys

Jimin got outside to his car to get the bag and groceries. Surprisingly he was already dressed

"Ae-Cha do you need any help? I feel bored not doing anything" I said

"Sure. I was just about to clean the whole house" She said

"Ok."I said pulling my hair into a bun

We started cleaning

Yoongi's POV

"Hyung I will be leaving. My fiance needs me" Taehung said leaving

I looked at the time it was already 12

Who stays awake until 12?!

"I will leave now. Annyeong"I said standing up as I left them while they watch

I hopped into my car and drove back home... When I arrived I was surprised when I saw Jimin's car parked in front of my house

"What is that small dude doing here? " I mumbled

I twisted the doorknob.. It was open

I saw Jimin carrying Jaehun's bag

"Jimin? Why are you carrying Jaehun's bag?" I asked

"She asked me to get it" He said going to the door but I stopped him

"Why did she ask you to get it when she can come back home? Do you know where she is? Tell me where is she" I attacked questions

"She doesn't want to come back here yet. Yes I know where she is but I cant tell you. Just leave her alone for like umm... 2 weeks or so. Stay with your girlfriend for a while" He said

"I am not letting you leave not until you tell me where she is" I said

"Hyung.. Please... She needs time alone... She got really hurt when you said those things... " He said as my grip was loose as he got out to his car

I can't wait that long..... I need you Jaehun...


Thank you for reading chapter 11!!


Run Away (CONTINUED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin