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Previously on Run Away

I took another bath to take off my stinky scent

I changed to my pajamas. I wore a black and white kumamon pj's for the night

" Good night" I told Yoongi as we both went to sleep


Jaehun's POV

I woke up to see Yoongi not beside me anymore.

"Maybe he's downstairs" I said going to the bathroom to take a nice shower after that I wore a denim shorts and a black shirt with a denim jacket that were sleeveless.

I went downstairs, Surprisingly. He wasn't there. I went to the kitchen and made myself breakfast.

"Maybe he went with his girlfriend" I said cooking bacon.

I finished cooking at ate my breakfast, I went out and locked the door, I hopped in my car and drove to work.

I know! Work already!? Yup! That is how my life as a YG stylist is.

I arrived at work.

"Hey Jaehun!! " One of my Coworkers greeted me

" Hi! " I waved. I was going to the dressing rooms when I bumped into someone.

" Jaehun! Your here! How is you wedding? "Chae-young said, her stage name is Rose.

Yup! I am the stylist of BlackPink! They treat me as their family here!

" It was fine!" I said. "Where are the others? " I asked.

" They are at the studio. " Chae-young pointed out.

" Where are you going? " I asked.

" To the bathroom" She said.

"Ok" I waved as I stopped by the studio for a quick catch up.

I opened the door. "Jaehun! How are you?! " Teddy said, He is the Music Producer of BlackPink.

"I'm fine. How are my girls? " I asked looking at the other BlackPink members.

"They are fine. There new song DU DDU DU DDU was a success! " Teddy said.

"Yeah I know I watched it yesterday. They all did a good job" I said

"So what are they doing now? " I asked

"They are practicing for their dance practice video" Teddy said.

"Ok, I'm going to quickly say hello" I said leaving Teddy, going to the girls.

"How are you guys? " I asked that made them startle like they heard a ghost.

" JAEHUN-UNNIE!! " I practically screamed hugging me, I hugged back.

" You guys reek in sweat" I said.

"Hehe! " They said.

" So how was the wedding? " Lisa asked.

"It was fine" I said.

"BlackPink get ready the camera will be rolling in a few minutes. Where is Chae-young? " Mr. Yang said.

" Hello Mr. Yang, I saw her going to the bathroom just a few minutes ago" I said bowing.

"Hello. Ok" He bowed before going to where my coworkers are.

"Ok I'm going there now. You can do it! Fighting! " I cheered.

" Fighting! " They said waiting for Rosie

I headed to a seat near my coworkers. Soon Chae-young came back. They started filming them.

[If you havent seen the Dance Practice, Go watch it]

They finished what they were doing. "That was awesome! " I said cheering.

"That was hard!" Jisoo slumped back the bench.

"Girls you have an interview later, Jaehun will be helping you get beautiful" Mr. Yang said as he left.

"Wahhh!!!! " Jisoo faked cry.

"Come on. You guys have to take a shower" I said as we went to their dorms to so that they'll comfortably shower.

Good thing I brought their outfits with me and makeup. I sometimes do their makeup but don't worry, I get paid extra.

We arrived at their dorm room. "You guys take a shower. I will be in your rooms ok" I said.

"Ok! " They said as they went to take a shower

I went to their room and set my tools on the mirror. I took clothes for the 4 of them. I was waiting for them/

"Do they take too long? " I asked myself

I looked at myself at the mirror..

I wonder what it feels like when you are a famous KPOP artist..

I saw a big mirror..

My body suddenly danced and sang Boy In Luv by BTS

I did Jungkook and Jimin's high notes perfectly

Not knowing that the BlackPink members were secretly watching

Jisoo's POV

We finished taking a bath. We wore our undergarments under our robe

"That was a relief! " I said as we went to

"I know it feels like for---" Jennie was cutted when we heard someone singing from our room

"Who was that? " Lisa asked

" I don't know. Lets check it out" Chae-Young said.

We peeked through the door and saw Jaehun singing and dancing Boy In Luv by BTS

"Wow! She can dance and sing! " I said quietly

" I know right" Rosie said

Then suddenly the part was Jungkook and Jimin's Part

"Waohhhhh! She hit their high notes!! " Jennie said

" I know!!!! " Lisa said amused like all of us

Jaehun soon finished. We barged in

" That was awesome!! " I said clapping with the others

" You saw that? " She asked with wide open eyes

" Yes" We said

Jaehun's POV

I can't believe it.. First Tae and Yoongi found out. Now Blackpink?!?

"Here wear this" I said handing them their clothes

"Ok. So how long have you been singing? " Lisa asked putting on her clothes

"I actually had a small show before" I said brushing Jisoo's hair

"Really?? Tell us!!" They demanded

"I started when I was 8 because my mom was a singer and a tailor and I really admired her. I wanted to show them but I always hid my voice cause i thought it's ugly. So I never showed it to anyone ever since I turned 16. But I only sang in small shows" I explained as I added makeup to them.

"You can be an K-pop idol you know? You have the looks, the voice, and the moves! " Lisa told me.

"You know I always wished to have members like you 4 when I am an Idol" I said as I looked at them with their makeup.

"There! Ta-Da!! " I said.

We went downstairs.

"Ok let's go now. The driver is waiting for us, Bye Jaehun, " They waved to me

"Bye Bye, Be careful! " I said going to my car

I drove back home and saw Yoongi sleeping on the couch with that girl. The TV was also opened. I closed the TV.

"I'm going to be kind! " I whispered as I took a blanket upstairs and covered both of them.

I went back upstairs and headed to bed.

I'm so ready to go to Daegu.

Thanks for reading chapter 8


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