The New Alpha

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Once the kid walked in Lance immediately recognized him it was the motorcycle driver.  But the sent he was giving off ,was that he was an alpha, but the only other alpha's in the school was Takashi Shirogane also known as Shiro, and Lotor.

Omega's: Lance, Allura
Alpha's: Keith, Shiro, Lotor
Beta: Hunk, Pidge

Everyone gasped by the smell, except Lance. The teacher introduced him as Keith Kogane. Since Lance didn't have anyone sitting next to him, the teacher told Keith to sit next to Lance.

Lance didn't like the idea of that, because he was still mad about this morning, when he had to walk to school soaking wet because of him. But he had to deal with it. Once Keith sat down Lance gave him a smile and introduced himself.

Lance POV:

"UGH WHY MEEEE I'm still wet from this morning and now I have to sit next to him" Lance whined in his head. Whatever I'll just introduce myself and try not to show my anger.

3rd person:

"Hi I'm Lance" He said .Keith didn't even respond ,he just set his stuff down ,and sat there.

Lance POV:

Well damn just wanted to say hi but nooooooo to stubborn to even acknowledge me well I tried.

Keith's POV:

I got up this morning feeling like shit. Drove to my new school and on my way I accidentally splashed a beautiful blue eyed omega and I didn't get the chance to apologize because I was going to be late and so I just zoomed off.

Once I got to the school I went straight to class and sat next to this boy ."Hi im Lance" He said with a smile on his face. I looked at him and it was the blue eyed omega. I didn't say anything and just looked at the teacher who was teaching.

3rd person:

Once class was over Lance went to grab his lunch and go find his friends Hunk and Pidge. He walked to the bleachers where they always hang out.

Once he got there he found Hunk and Pidge talking with Keith.  He walked over to them "hey guys" Lance said happy to see his friends. Keith looked up and saw Lance. "Hey I wanted to apologize for this morning" Keith said.

Keith rarely ever apologized even to his friends. But something was different about Lance. Pidge and Hunk sat there confused. "Oh it's alright" Lance said a little water never hurt anyone" Lance said smiling.

"OH! Is this the guy who splashed you this morning? " Pidge exclaimed laughing "yup" Lance said. "Ha look your hair is still wet" Pidge exclaimed laughing even harder.

Keith and Hunk started to laugh as well. "Hey" Lance said throwing his water he got from lunch at Pidge "Ha now ur wet!" Lance laughed. Pidge got up and started chasing Lance through the halls until he ran into someone.

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