author's note

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so uhm hi im back--

honestly idk what is happening but people are starting to get interested in there for me more and more every day and its scary--

even if it is though, i want to give ya'll out there a big thank you again
(-ω-`。) you nice, keep going~ (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

also, i dont know if i said this before, but if i dont reply to your comment/comments its not because im not interested in what you guys say, but because im kinda shy..? or i just simply dont know if it will be awkward of me to just reply when youve commented this or that at this or that time while its this or that time when i read it-- so ya. please excuji me for that-

anywhO, i should probably stop blabbering now.. ye.

have a nice day/night everyone! goodbyee ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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