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yoongi's room.

that was where taehyung was definitively heading to.

as he reached the older's room he knocked on it swiftly, awaiting for yoongi's answer.

what he didn't expect though, was seeing his hyung only in black shorts, his red, long sleeved shirt laying on his bed.

taehyung wasn't flustered.. let's say he felt something else.

the shorter of the two raised his eyebrows, giving the taller a questioning look.

the twenty-three year old cleared his throat before speaking.


yoongi was confused, seeing the vocalist in front of him.

isn't it eleven p.m. already? shouldn't he go to sleep?

yoongi didn't like it when the members didn't take care of themselves, he really didn't.

„taehyung-ah, it's eleven already, shouldn't you go to sleep?"

the taller didn't want to give up, he waited so long for this moment.

„i would go to sleep if it weren't for the time you spent at your studio, yoongi hyung."

taehyung usually didn't have a sharp tounge when he didn't get what he wanted, but considering his mood and who he wanted, he would argue with anyone to get it.

„a little disrespectful, taehyung-ah, don't you think?"

he wasn't gonna loose, not today.

„well if you stopped neglecting me, i guess i didn't have to be like this!"

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