Chapter 5 - Very "Yeri" Dreams

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"Call me if you've changed your mind." - a voice was heard in the distance. A faint chuckle followed.

"What... Huh?" Joy stood there confused.

Silence. Then the voice added while chuckling again:

" Heh... Yeah.... "Call me if you've changed your mind"... Now that I think about it - that was amazing! The fact that that single line from your mother today, or should I say yesterday at this point, made you INSTANTLY think of me... I'm pretty happy I'm living in your head now, you know? - The voice responded and then continued annoyed:

"Hello, Soo Young! Are you there?" The voice was getting clearer as Joy shook her head to see and hear properly. "Helloooo? Dork Soo Young, are you there?" - it repeated.

"Yeri?" Joy barely stuttered out. She then looked to her right and saw Yeri smile at her. Kim Yerim Yeri was standing there - materialized out of nowhere.

"Who else?" a devilish smile appeared on Yeri's face. She then maniacally started to laugh.

Joy then suddenly woke up in a cold sweat.

"Shit, fuck, no!" She spat out as she rose from her bed. "No, no, no, no, no, no....!" She nearly started to shout but managed to calm herself down before she got any louder. She didn't want to wake her parents up.

It was 6AM. One hour? I had one hour of sleep..... Great.... Just amazing... And in that one freaking hour of sleep I dreamt of Yeri. No, no... This is just....Great. Now I can't escape her from the one place I was actually hoping and thinking I could escape her - sleep... Just excellent work, Joy... But... But...UGH! I can't have this happen to me. This can't be happening! Joy fumed.

She continued with her thought process - Sleep used to be an ally. Now it makes me feel like I'm a hostage. And not just with this particular dream I just had, no.... I can't lie to myself anymore.... The bad sleeping situation has been happening for the last year, even before Yeri happened... And now it's getting worse. I think I need to see someone about this...

Joy then went to drink some water to calm herself down. Soon, she returned to her bed to get some sleep again.

Although the initial shock she experienced woke her up pretty hard, Joy's body felt exhausted so she soon returned to her sleep.

Joy then also unwillingly re-entered the same dream again.

"Running off somewhere? Typical Soo Young.... Although, I did recently start to think that you changed... Welp, guess I was wrong!" Yeri victoriously smiled.

"Huh... Okay... I'm in a dream, I need to calm down." Joy spoke aloud upon realizing she was in another dream with Yeri again. Joy closed her eyes trying to block everything out, but Yeri immediately chimed in:

"Yes, finally, something smart out of ya!"

"Okay, and you are not actually Yeri... YOU are just my subconscious mind trying to tell me something..." Joy quickly retorted.

"Right again! Whoa, two in a row, are you okay? Because I am not okay!" Yeri sarcastically responded.

"Yeah, I am.... I know you're not ACTUALLY Yeri because although she was sometimes mean or cold towards me, she was never openly mocking me like you now."

"Heh... That is true... She also acted nice to you from time to time, didn't she?" Yeri replied while smiling. "That's what kept you around her for the longest time.... didn't it? That feeling of "oh, she must've changed because of me..." or "Oh, she's sometimes nice to me and not cold..." or "oh, that one time she"-" Yeri was then interrupted:

"What are you doing?" Joy asked confused.

"What?" Yeri responded while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?"

"Well, technically, as you've mentioned, I am not Yeri, I am just your subconscious projection of her in physical form."

"True... But it feels weird when you talk about her in the third person while looking like her... Can you, just for my sanity, talk in the first person?"

"Ugh, fine.... I also acted nice to you from time to time, didn't I?"

"That's better!" Joy half-sarcastically replied. Yeri just rolled her eyes.

"So... Why are you here?" Joy managed to ask while nervously looking at Yeri.

"You tell me..." Yeri replied seductively while smirking. The dream started to become less focused and more distorted which started to freak Joy out a little bit. Yeri then started to slowly inch closer towards Joy.

"What are you doing?" Joy asked while her body started to slightly shake. She felt nervous.

"Isn't this... what you want?" Yeri asked.

"What do you mean?" Joy was getting more and more nervous

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"What do you mean?" Joy was getting more and more nervous.

"What's the problem... Joy? Can't control me even though you know I'm not real....? Even though you know that here... I'm just a figment of your imagination? Remember... This is all in your head... The real Yeri is now somewhere in Seoul... And you can't even control the thought of me even when you're aware that you are in a dream? You could control everything here once you are aware that this is a dream and yet, you can't... Oh my baby girl... You are beyond help at this point..." All of that Yeri spoke in a low tone of voice, smiling and smirking towards Joy while inching closer towards her.

They were now standing close to each other, their faces only inches apart.

"Joy?" Yeri asked huskily, in a low tone of voice while closing her eyes.

"Yes?" Joy barely stuttered out, also closing her eyes.

"Don't you... Don't you just wanna... kiss me?"

It was at this point that Yeri's face was really close to Joy's. She slowly wrapped her arms around Joy, resting her palms behind Joy's neck. Joy, with her eyes closed, felt the warm breath approaching the side of her face as Yeri inched closer and closer.

Yeri's nose then gently touched Joy's cheek as she planted a soft kiss on the edge of Joy's jawline. Joy was ready to give in when all of a sudden she felt a tightness in her chest. She opened her eyes while she was still in the dream and realized she was entangled in a web along with Yeri and the pressure of the web started to make Joy feel suffocated.

"What's wrong, Joy...? Don't you wanna kiss me?" Yeri asked once again while her eyes suddenly started to shine a bright red color.

This image woke Joy up in another cold sweat:

"Fucking hell, no! SHIT! STOP!" She shouted once again as she woke up.

A couple of hours later Joy's mother found Joy on the living room floor, nervously shaking her body as she looked distressed and shaken.


"Yes honey?" Her mother replied startled as she was trying to hug and comfort Joy.

"I... I think I need help" Joy replied softly and scared.

I really do. She mused as she continued to look into the wall in front of her.

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