Chapter 31 - A Follow-up On Chaewon

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It was the beginning of June and Joy was back in Seoul.

Excited, scared but hopeful about her future.

She found a place to stay there for a couple of days before she goes to her auditions. If she passes, the company has readily prepared her a dorm room where she will stay for further training.

And if I don't pass, it's okay, life's not going anywhere, I can do whatever I want whenever I want, I just need to be brave! - Joy thought to herself, prepping herself for what was to come.

It was a sunny day in Seoul, however, a random dark cloud was hanging around the city, making it seem like it was going to rain, or at least give a brief shower to the city.

And all of a sudden, it did rain, just as Joy was heading out to her possible future company's building and headquarters. 

Unluckily for Joy, she was caught in the middle of that rainstorm without an umbrella because she thought she would avoid the cloud in time. Luckily for Joy, however, was the fact that she headed out to the company way earlier than needed due to her excitement for the audition and she had plenty of time to wait out the storm.

Okay, I don't want to get wet in this storm, I better find someplace safe! - and with that in mind, Joy ran to the nearest building's entrance and there she found a bit of shelter.

Soo.... Let me check the time... Okay, I'm good, I have enough time before the audition starts so I can chill here for a while.

And so Joy waited. And then waited some more. And then some more.

She still wasn't nervous because she knew that the weather would calm down eventually, and even if it didn't, she would run for it and hope for the best if it was really necessary.

Suddenly, she turned around because she heard a noise from the inside of the building. A person was coming out of the building. Joy wouldn't usually care about who was coming out, but she did sort of recognize the person from the blurred-glass behind the door that was about to be opened.

Nah, I'm just seeing things, it's definitely not- OH shit, it's Chaewon!

The redhead girl stood out of the building with an umbrella in her hand and was stunned to see Joy in front of her, her eyes widening.

"Oh!" she barely let out.

"Hey" Joy replied with a shy and embarrassed smile.

"Hey" she replied back with a neutral tone in her voice.

"I... I didn't know you lived here" Joy commented almost immediately, calling back to an earlier conversation of theirs where she tried to figure out where Chaewon lived, but kinda gave up after Chaewon was done with her explanation that was, at least to Joy, leading nowhere. It was a small street that was usually very hard to find if you're not familiar with that neighborhood.

"Yeah, I do live here... What are you... doing here?" Chaewon asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"I... I came back to Seoul"

"You went away from Seoul?" Chaewon was surprised.

"Yeah... I mean, I guess you don't talk too much with Sungmin and the others anymore so you didn't hear-" Joy assumed it was known to all the former members of her friend-group where she was, however, Chaewon interrupted her, agitated:

"Do you even talk to him?" 

Joy stood there in silence. She had to admit, she wasn't in contact with any of her former friends. She distanced herself from them as soon as she went to Jeju island because she thought it would be easier to get her life back together. And now she was facing Chaewon's question.

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