Chapter 25 - Kurudi

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"Blessed?" Queen Imani's voice was dripping with disbelief, her bright green eyes utterly befuddled.

Neema only nodded and looked to Cyrus and Talos, who were standing at her side. They were all in the Queen's Hall, Imani on her throne and the three of them before her. Talos shifted uncomfortably and Cyrus could tell that dragon felt very awkward with the whole situation. It wasn't every day that a spiritual being grants you with the ability to fly.

Queen Imani stared at Talos for several long moments. Then, she cleared her throat.

"Your wings," she began, her voice small. "Are noticeably larger, not to mention, a little... thicker? Do they pain you?"

Talos glanced at Cyrus quickly and then back at the faerie queen. He cleared his throat as well.

"At first, when the Pavritrata came into contact with me, the pain was nearly unbearable. I felt as if my wings were going to rip themselves from my body. Then, as quickly as it had come, the pain subsided and I felt a new strength in my wings that I had never felt before."

Queen Imani only nodded, her fingers wrapping themselves around the tight curls in her long hair.

"And... you flew?" she asked.

Talos let out a small sigh in return. "Yes, and with only my wings. I had no need for the wind."

Queen Imani nodded again and turned to Cyrus, her brow furrowed.

"Is what Neema said true? You rode upon his back as he flew?"

Cyrus shifted under the Queen's stare but he answered all the same.

"Yes. It was thrilling, but mostly terrifying."

Beside him, Neema smiled.

"You should have seen how fast he soared, My Queen," she said, her eyes alight. "It looked as if he could have kept the same pace for hours."

Queen Imani hummed curiously.

"And can you?" she asked the dragon, thumbing her antlered crown that was balanced on her armrest. Talos took a while to answer.

"It felt effortless," he responded at last. "As soon as I took to the air, a burst of energy took hold of me and didn't seem intent on letting go."

"That explains your recklessness." Cyrus muttered. Talos' yellow tail thwacked him lightly over the head.

Queen Imani nodded once more.

"I apologize for my incessant questions; we haven't had a blessing in many, many years. It is truly remarkable."

Neema nodded in agreement. "Indeed it is."

Cyrus and Talos both looked to each other, exchanging yet another string of silent words.

How strange it is that things can change so drastically in such a short amount of time. Cyrus thought to himself.

"You two best be off." Queen Imani said, clasping her long fingers together. "A feast is in preparation and I must busy myself with tending to it. Neema will come and collect you when all is ready."

Cyrus scowled faintly.

"We could come help, with the preparations, I mean. I feel awful allowing you all to work tirelessly while Talos and I sit idly."

The dragon grunted in agreement.

"Nonsense!" Queen Imani replied firmly, looking truly offended by Cyrus' remark. "You are our guests. You are not here to care for us, we are here to tend to you. Please, my dear friends, allow us this one last meal before you depart."

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