Chapter 19 - The Forest of Forebode

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Sleep well they did. It wasn't until nearly midday did Talos wake Cyrus from a deep and much needed slumber. He woke with a start, kicking his foot reflexively. He just missed the dragon's rocky nose as he did.

"Sorry." he muttered quickly, blinking the sleep from his eyes and waiting for his foggy head to clear. His thoughts were still jumbled from his dream that night, though he couldn't quite remember it. His family was there, that's all he knew.

"Best we start to move," Talos said quietly. "I have a feeling we're still being searched for by those people."

Cyrus nodded drowsily and got to his feet, feeling the rumwing still festering in his stomach. It was a hearty meal and no doubt satisfying but, Cyrus knew a full belly wouldn't last him long. They had approximately a five day walk to Paelford ahead of them. Cyrus supposed he could eat berries. The trouble was, he didn't know how to tell the poisonous from the safe ones.

After five minutes of getting ready, which consisted of stomping on the smoking embers of the night's fire and covering it with leaves, the two set out for the great, looming dark trees in the distance.

The Forest of Forbode was a topic the traders of Newingham never liked to focus on. They had never travelled near or through it, for it was said to be a cursed woodland full of ghosts and deranged cannibals. It was with great apprehension that when they came upon the woods several hours later, Cyrus contemplated walking around it. The impossibly tall trees cast long shadows on the sea of grass surrounding them, almost beckoning any ignorant passerby into their midst. Behind him, Talos nudged his head.

"We must go. I don't much like the name or look of this place, but we have limited options."

Cyrus nodded. Trekking through the Forest of Forbode was the quickest route to Paelford, circling around the gargantuan forest would take another three days. Precious time they couldn't afford to lose.

Holding his breath, Cyrus slowly took the first step over the border that separated Crasmere from this ghostly terrain. Talos followed closely behind.

The trees high above their heads were thick with black leaves and heavy branches and as they journeyed deeper into the woods, the light of the sun hitting the forest floor began to lessen. The leaves provided an undesirable roof above them, allowing little sunlight to seep through. Cyrus shivered, but it wasn't chilliness that crept up his spine. The forest was dark and silent, no bugs chattered and no birds sung. Behind him, Talos walked carefully, avoiding any frail twigs or dead leaves. The dragon didn't want to upset the forest. With great unease, the pair ventured on, relying on Cyrus' old compass as they went. The tattered map would do no good. They walked for a long while in silence until Talos plopped onto his rear end with an exasperated sigh. The ground quaked beneath him.

"Do you know for certain that we're moving forward?" the dragon growled. "I know we have passed this tree more than once, or it has an identical twin."

Cyrus rolled his eyes, shook his head, and motioned for Talos to follow him.

"Yes, I am certain we are moving forward. Come now, we have little time to waste." His eyes were fixated on the compass. It's red needle was shaking back and forth wildly, not quite landing on east, the direction in which Paelford was located. A twinge of fear began to grow in his core.

With a groan, Talos heaved himself to his feet and nosed Cyrus in the back, his breath hot.

"Don't tell me to move along if you're just going to stand there." he grumbled playfully. Cyrus abruptly swallowed his fear and followed in the general direction the red needle pointed to. With a smile, he puffed out his chest and walked forward. Inwardly, he was begging the darkness to show him the way.

Talos and CyrusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz