Chapter 16 - Hangcheng

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They slept like kings. Cyrus awoke the next morning feeling the now familiar throbbing at the back of his head, a blatant reminder to never upset the Shan Ren again. Beside him, Talos slumbered, his pale wings splayed out like two massive fans. His snores seemed to shake the wooden building they rested in, complete with tall windows and an even taller ceiling. It was an impressive building, not nearly as elaborate as the Jinse palace, but no doubt just as beautiful. It was large enough to accomodate the dragon and himself simultaneously and at the same time, allow them to exist in complete and utter luxury. He drank crystal clear water from a golden goblet and rested his head on a satin pillow. On a small table next to his feather-filled bed, Cyrus reached for his leather satchel and retrieved the crumpled map within. The Shan Ren hadn't gone through his bag, to his appreciation. Unfolding the map as quietly as he could, Cyrus studied it for a long while, trying to trace out the exact route to their destination. They were nearly halfway to Paelford, an achievement he never thought he would pride himself in. Aeredale seemed so far away now, a distant memory of a past he gladly left behind. With a pang, he was realized that he was fortunate he left Aeredale when he did. If he had stayed any longer, Cyrus feared he would have had to stay if their financial situation had worsened anymore. He missed his mother and siblings dearly, but he knew he would never forget that bittersweet feeling of finally stepping onto the dirt path for the last time. That was the beginning of his new, chaotic life. Just weeks ago, Cyrus had been a lowly peasant boy who could barely scrape together enough money for a meal. Now, he was hidden far in the mountains, having grappled with monsters of legend, met the emperor of a lost nation, and grew ever closer to his new companion, who just so happened to be a dragon.

Talos stirred and lifted his great head slowly, drearily blinking the sleep from his eyes. The dragon slept on countless fluffy pillows the Shan Ren had graciously provided for him. Talos said it felt like sleeping on a cloud.

"Are you ready to go rafting?" Cyrus asked, rolling out of his bed. Talos let out a mighty yawn before getting to his feet, stretching the muscles in his legs to the point in which they quivered.

"It sounds like our next great adventure but I must admit, I don't find it at all appealing. I can walk, I don't need something to carry me." the dragon grumbled, yawning again.

Cyrus laughed and rested a hand on the dragon's shoulder as he passed, slinging his leather satchel across his chest.

"Wake yourself up," he said. "They're likely already waiting for us."

That they were. Ju-Long, with a dastardly case of bed head, was standing just outside the door when Cyrus opened it. It looked as if he had hastily pulled his hair back into a bun, but did so messily. Large strands fell around his face.

"Good, you're finally awake. You two nearly slept the morning away." he griped, letting out a large yawn. Cyrus rolled his eyes; the sun was hardly peeking over the horizon.

"I hope you rested well, Ju-Long." Cyrus replied, nodding to Talos and walking passed the boy, who crossed his arms.

"I slept beautifully. I think you need a few extra hours though, white hair, you're not glowing nearly as much as I am." Ju-Long said, tagging along after them. Talos flicked his tail as he came around his rear, very nearly hitting the man in the head as he ran by. Ju-Long ducked and stumbled, shooting the dragon a nasty look as he caught up to walk in front of them.

"Watch it, you oversized snake! You could have taken my head right off my shoulders!"

Talos narrowed his eyes but the playfulness was still there, along with with a pinch of irritation, from what Cyrus could see.

"I'm surprised I missed it, what with it being as big as it is." the dragon growled.

Cyrus snorted and looked to Ju-Long, who was shaking his head, his messed up bun flopping around. A smirk was playing on his lips, but no rebuttal to the dragon's remark came. He looked thoughtful for a moment.

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