Chapter 13 - The Lost City

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Cyrus could only stare in utter bewilderment. These men had hurt both him and Talos, they ambushed him and knocked him unconscious, leaving that nasty sore on the back of his head as an uncomfortable reminder. To top it all off, Cyrus realized, they must have taken his belongings too, for they were nowhere in sight.

"Friends?" Cyrus breathed, backing away from the dragon. "What have they done to you?"

Talos only stared back.

"They have done nothing to harm me, I believe we should trust them." The dragon's voice was soft, almost as if he was cooing. Cyrus had to force his jaw from falling open.

"They attacked us, Talos; They attacked us, hurt us, you honestly believe we should give in to them? I don't even know where I am right now, Talos, or if these men standing here intend to attack again."

At this, the two men with the masks hanging from their necks shifted back and forth on their feet, wringing their hands together.

"You take me for a fool." Talos growled, his eyes smoldering. The dragon's rumbles echoed throughout the cavernous room, an ominous sound to those unknown to it. Cyrus hardly flinched.

"You are not a fool, Talos, what you are doing is foolish," he retorted, glaring at the dragon with some intensity. "Even if you were a fool, I would trust you would not be so dim-witted as to believe everything these men utter. I am not certain of the nature of dragons, but us Men are born with the ability to lie."

Talos narrowed his eyes but his almost territorial stance died away, his quivering lip falling back over his teeth.

"They did not have to speak." he murmured quietly, glancing at the men behind him. Cyrus looked at them too and, for the first time, saw a shred of kindness in their dark eyes and hard faces, though it was hard to tell if they were genuine or not.

"What did they do, Talos?" Cyrus whispered, placing a hand on the dragon's nose. The men seemed surprised by this action and they very nearly backed away, but Cyrus saw them catch themselves. Satisfaction erupted through him; they were afraid of Talos. He met one of the men's eyes and gave him a pressing glare, arching an eyebrow as he did so. The man averted his gaze with a reddened face. Beneath his palm, he felt Talos soften.

"We are to go with them." the dragon mumbled, gently moving his nose from under his touch and lumbering forward. The men with the masks, along with the elderly woman, turned slowly and stepped towards the massive door. It took both of them to open it.

Cyrus, although completely and utterly apprehensive, forced his feet to follow after his companion. His legs still felt horridly weak.

Bright sunlight hit his eyes as the door opened slowly and Cyrus had to blink several times to avoid a headache. The men held the door open, allowing the old woman to walk out first, and then Talos and himself soon after. As he stepped out onto a hard, stone path for the first time, Cyrus had to suppress a gasp.

Tall, looming buildings stood before him, standing far over his head and looking as if they could touch the sky. Countless windows dotted their exterior and their walls were painted red; their roofs, a deep forest green. People, who were similar to the two men and the old woman, milled about, wearing strange robes decorated with dazzling patterns and colors. When they caught sight of Talos, most stopped in open-mouthed awe. They hardly paid attention to the white haired man at his side. As Cyrus let his eyes wander around further, he saw something that send a sharp pang of fear through his core. Black shapes danced around in the sky, reptilian shapes with sleek, leathery wings. As he stared, he felt Talos' presence slow to halt at his side.

"They will not harm you as long as you are here, Cyrus. This place is sacred. There is no need to fear." The dragon's voice was soft and when Cyrus looked to him, his tree sap eyes were filled with reassurance. He felt his face redden. Why was he being so cowardly?

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