She let out a deep sigh, "will you be fine alone or should I tell Eunice to come with you? " she offered. To be honest I want to know Eunice more,  ever since she came here she didn't tell about herself.

"no, mom,  Eunice would probably gets uncomfortable around me.  Maybe next time hehehe" then I shyly bowed my head,  it's true. Who wants to be with a blind person?  Who wants to hang out with me?  I'm nothing but a trash..  No one ---

"Eunice is a lovely girl too,  she may not be able to show it to you but she's good and caring, I hope the both of you will get well soon" I don't know what hurts the most.  The fact that I can't be with them forever due to the unsure operation on my eyes or the fact that I can't see them even if I want to know their faces.  I got no choice.

A minute of silence has passed,  "oh,  you need to prepare yourself,  got to your room already and maybe I'm just going to do your chores here. " when she finally speaked out. Mom if you really see this lady in front of me, I'm sure you will like her too she's taking care of me mom,  when no one did. *sighs*

"ok mom" I answered, giving her my sweet smile and take a step back to my room.

I take a bath and sit in front of my table where my make ups,  lotions and facial creams were there.
While putting my favourite scented lotion,  I heard the door slowly opening.

"ahmm-- mom told me to help you there since you'll be getting late if you do that alone" it was Eunice. From the moment they transferred here,  I haven't listen to her sweet voice.  I can't call her a little sister when we are just a week apart. Same month,  same year of birth.

"oh,  sure.. " I said and I pulled the chair next to me to give her a seat.

She started to take the brush and combed it on my hair. I don't know but one thing I'm sure about her is that she always had her phone with her and you can hear the music that she plays too!  But sadly it wasn't the same like mine.  The weird thing is that,  I hear no voice nor music nor notifications from her phone.  Maybe she left it.  Who knows.

"you should atleast look like a girl when you go out" Eunice finally broke the silence and snapped me back to reality.

She continued on brushing my hair,  "not all guys is serious so you have to keep your guards up" she added which makes my face mold into a question mark.  What does she mean about keeping my guards up?
"what do you mean? " Curiosity kills the cat, they said, that's why I asked her.

She let out a deep sigh and put my hair brush down and get something that was already in my table and put it on my hair,  "I saw you once when you go out with a guy,  I accidentally saw you so don't worry. " she explained in a formal tone of voice.

Aahhh so she means about Tan,  but he is just a friend----

Wait..  Is he really just a friend? Aishh I don't know,  stop asking me

"you want to meet him? " I gladly offered her.  I mean, if doing this would make my relationship to her more closer then I'll do it.

"really?? " she said in a very nice,  sweeg tone of her voice.  It's the first I heard her saying that.
"but when?  And where? " she asked, still fixing my hair.

"I don't know,  but if he asked me to go out then I'll tell him that you will come with me" then I smiled.  But then the atmosphere change,  I feel like something is really wrong.

"what is it? " I asked her.

"it was just,  it came out like I'm a third wheel in your bonding.  You can leave me in the house if you want though, " she stated, it somehow hurts my heart a little since now that I somehow got her attention and having a conversation with her like this,  it's like a dreams do come true.

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