Chapter Nine

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Gideon's P.O.V
I replayed the events of last night over and over in my head. I don't know what over came me but I knew all I wanted to do was beat the shit out of Damion. How dare he? He didn't get enough of torturing Alex during their relationship that he has to torture her now that she is with me? I swear to God if he doesn't stay the hell away from her, I will kill him.

I stood at the footing of the hospital bed watching her seemingly lifeless body. If the doctor hadn't told me she was asleep, I would've assumed she was dead or in a coma.

If I wasn't so busy pounding my fist into Damion I would've noticed her struggle to breathe and I would've gotten her out of there immediately. *Scoffs* I should've gotten her out of there as soon as I spotted Damion. My dumb ass.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I didn't take my eyes off of her though. I swore I'd protect her but once again here we are in the hospital. The same position we were in two weeks ago.

"Yo alright man?" Luke questions shutting the door behind him.

I shrug my shoulders not moving from my position. I hear him sigh as he inches closer to me. From the corner of my eye I see him take a seat on the couch and place his elbows on his knees.

"How is she doing? What did the doctor say?" He questions, worry laced in his tone.

I shake my head before sliding my hands down my face. "....the doctor said she had an intense panic attack causing her to lose consciousness. She is asleep now but she'll need to take it easy for a while,"

"At least she is alright now, that's all that really matters," He tries to reassure.

"If my attention wasn't on that dumb ass she wouldn't be laying in this hospital bed. I wish I could rewind back to last night and change things," I say while taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "I've failed her once again man and I don't know what I'm going to do,"

"You're doing everything in your power Gideon, don't beat yourself up about this. It's not on you at all. You just keep doing what you're doing, things will get better," He says. "And if I were you, I'd get her to file a restraining order against Damion's crazy ass,"

I take in his words nodding my head as if I agreed with him saying it's not my fault but I knew deep down it was all on me.

"Well I gotta head to the studio, I just dropped by to see how she was doing. Let me know if you need me man," He says patting my back.

"No problem bro, I appreciate you stopping by," I turn towards him.

"Don't mention it honestly. I'll come by afterwards to check back on you guys," He says before walking to the door.

"Alright thank you," I say and watch as he walks out. Not even a minute after he leaves, the door opens and in walks Lorene and Stefan.

"Oh my baby!" Lorene rushes over to Alexandria's side. "My poor poor baby aauh,"

"What the hell happened?!" Stefan fumes shooting me a glare.

Clearing my throat I stand up preparing myself for all the anger that was going to come my way.

"Sir I know how angry you must be and worried but I want you to know that she wasn't physically hurt in anyway, it was just a panic attack. She is fine-

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