Chapter Three

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Once I got myself together I drove back to King's apartment. I watched as the elevator doors opened into the cozy home.

King loves keeping this place cold. Even in the winter time, he never ever touches the thermostat and I don't dare go near it. Luckily it's getting warmer outside so the cool air in the penthouse is okay.

I drop my keys on the key rack and take off my shoes before walking fully into the home. I found King sitting on the couch with a big packet in his hands flipping through it.

"Hey baby," I greet walking over to him. He draws his attention away from the papers and looks at me. He smiles and gets up bringing me into his arms. "Welcome back Angel," He whispers before capturing my lips in his.

Instantly melting into his arms, I wrap my arms around his neck. His lips are so soft and juicy. I swear I could kiss them all day.

Slowly pulling away his eyes lock on mines. He takes a good look at me before furrowing his eyebrows. "What's wrong?" He questions. I shake my head looking down.

I dare not tell King that I had an encounter with my abusive ex. He would demand that I get a bodyguard to watch over me when he is not with me. I don't need a big black shadow following me around everywhere I go.

"Angel, look at me," He says lifting my head up. "What happened?" I take a hold of his hands and put a smile on. "Nothing King, I'm just really tired. I had a long day," I partially lie. I did have a very long day and I am tired.

He gives me a look letting me know that he is not buying my bullshit lie but he sighs and says "Alright, I won't force you to tell me what's wrong. But I hope you know you can tell me anything," I nod my head. "Yes of course I know that but it's nothing. Don't worry about it,"

"I'll always worry about you Alexandria," He says making me smile. I lift up on my tippy toes and place a few kisses on his lips. "What were you reading?" I question looking over at the big packet.

"The script for the new movie," He says while picking it up and handing it to me. I look down at the packet and read the bolded black words on the front Backwards.

"Ooo can I read it?" I question flipping through the packet. "Yeah of course. I'd really like your input on it. This will be the very first movie I've written and directed, it has to be good," He says taking a seat on the couch.

"And it will be. You have such a creative mind King, your fans are going to love the movie. Trust me, the whole theater will be filled with people at the movie premiere and the reviews are going to be off the chart. Everyone will be talking about what an amazing job you did," I say reassuring him. "Not a lot of actors have written and directed their own movie before. And not only will you be known as a actor and model but also a writer and director. Multi-freaking-talented King,"

He smiles. "Damn I guess I am really talented huh. You hit the jackpot babe," He says making me smile. "I sure did," I say leaning over him and placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Have you eaten dinner?" I question walking into the kitchen. "No, I was waiting for you," He follows behind me. "King, you should've told me you were gonna wait for me. I would've left work earlier. I feel bad now," I say thinking about how I could've been home earlier if I hadn't encountered Damion.

"You're home now. Besides I'm not even that hungry," He shrugs. "But still, it's like after 6 and you know you're not suppose to eat anything after 7 o'clock," I say opening the refrigerator and searching for something to quickly prepare for him.

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