Chapter 4

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"I wonder if this is the monkey's lair." Lucy said as she tried to get as far away from the Vulcan as possible. "But what's happened to Natsu?" Her face was pressed against the glass, but only slightly.

Suddenly, the Vulcan pressed its face to the glass. "A girl! ♥︎" It said. Still, nobody knows how the heart gets in the speech.

This action jump scared Lucy and she anime screamed. The Vulcan decided to stare for a long time...

So it stared...

And stared...

And a few minutes years later, Horologium disappears.

"W-Wait Horologium!!!" Lucy yelled desperately. "Don't disappear on me!!!" Even though Horologium wasn't there, his voice still answered Lucy. "It's my time, take care of yourself." He said. "I want an extension, please?!!" Lucy's pleads were greeted with silence, as Horologium went to the Spirit Realm. The Vulcan stared at the frightened Lucy lustfully.

"Uoohh!!! I've finally caught up with you!!!" Natsu came running onto the scene. "Natsu!" Lucy called his name in relief. "WHERE IS MACAO?!!" Natsu yelled before slipping on the ice and proceeding to be a human wheel until he crashed into the wall.

Nearby, Lucy facepalmed. "I wonder if he is just unable to make a normal entrance." Lucy said to herself, thinking nobody would hear her. "i know, right? it's like that's impossible for him." A baritone voice answered her, signifying Sans' appearance. Lucy's eyes were wide and her mouth hung open. "WHERE WERE YOU THE ENTIRE TIME?!!!!" She screeched. Sans shrugged. "dunno." Sans deadpanned. Lucy's jaw practically touched the floor. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU WERE?!!!!!" Lucy directed her fury to the small boy standing beside her. Sans nodded. "yup." Lucy closed her eyes, shouted 'kya' at the top of her lungs, and was pretty sure she's kicked him all the way back to the guildhall.

In reality, Sans dodged the attack and then teleported to who-knows-where.

While all this was going on, Natsu stared at the Vulcan with rage. "HEY!!! MONKEY!!! WHERE IS MACAO?!!!!!" The Vulcan looked back at him. "Uho?" Natsu held his gaze strong against the Vulcan and said, "You understand what we're saying, right? I'm talking about Macao!! A HUMAN MAN!!" The Vulcan scratched its chin. "Man?" It asked. "That's right!! Where are you hiding him?!!" Natsu pointed to the Vulcan. Lucy was stunned. "Wha-?! Nobody ever said he's being hidden!!!" Lucy yelled.

W-wait a second! Let's think about this calmly. Lucy thought. I wonder if Macao is still alive... Lucy was trailed from her thoughts when the Vulcan started ushering Natsu to a place in the cave. "Uho ho!" It said. "Oh! So we understand each other!!" Natsu said excitedly. Maybe Macao is already... Lucy was cut off when the Vulcan lead Natsu to a window of the cavern and shoved him out. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Natsu's scream faded into the wind as Lucy panicked. "Natsu!!!" She screamed, running over to the window.

The Vulcan shouted to Natsu, "Don't need men. Only like girls!" Lucy was scared for Natsu. "Noo!!! Hey... don't die, okay?!!" Happy's voice answered her. "Aye. He may not look it, but he's a pretty incredible wizard." Lucy tried to make herself feel better so she said, "I'm sure he's oka..." Lucy looked down the hole and stopped.

As Lucy walked back into the cave, she heard the Vulcan chanting something about not needing men and only liking girls. "so, you said you don't like men, huh?" A familiar voice said. Lucy spun in the direction of the voice to be met with Sans. "Sans!" Lucy said in relief. "uhhh, yeah. isn't it obvious?" Sans said. He quickly switched his gaze from Lucy to the Vulcan.

The Vulcan seemed pretty triggered at the fact that Sans was here. "No man!" The Vulcan yelled before swinging an arm at Sans. Sans dodged with extreme speed and ease. "c'mon, buddy. if this is all you got, then this will be boring." Sans said. It looked like something white was starting to materialize around him and in his hand when he suddenly realized what he was doing and the materialization stopped before the half-formed objects dispersed.

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