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"heya kiddo. so you've been busy, huh?"

Those words marked the beginning of his end.

Sans stared at the huma- no. Monster. This... thing... wasn't human. It killed everyone Sans knew and loved. It made the resets. It put him through the same suffering of the genocide route.


Even though he knew he was going to fail, he still continued.

He still fought.

Even though they both knew...

Sans would always die.

Sans had been through enough resets. He had tried to do different things, trying to alter the timeline. Sans felt guilty for not feeling guilty in the one timeline where Sans himself had committed genocide in a futile attempt to prevent all of Underground from feeling its wrath. Sans even remembered the one timeline where he had drugged his brother and dragged him into his secret lab, hoping that the- it couldn't find him there.

But it found Papyrus and killed him after realizing that it hadn't committed a true genocide, that it was missing someone.

Papyrus, Undyne, Toriel, Mettaton, Grillby, Alphys, Monster Kid, heck, Sans was already missing Flowey (although he won't admit it).

Flowey had given up trying to do anything about the timelines after finding out that it was going to kill him in every reset, every timeline, and that this THING had no mercy, even less of a soul than Flowey, but with one still visible. Enjoyed killing more than Flowey did.


Now, Flowey was gone too. He stopped remembering the resets, and then adopted an innocent, confused persona to cover everything. Eventually, he was so good at this that Flowey actually believed that this was the way he actually was.

And now?

Everyone and everything...

Is gone.





Of course, not forever. Right?

Enough of that, it was time for Sans to attempt to stop it again.

Sans began the battle with it. He struck first, attacking with such speed and using so many attacks at once.

It dodged all of the attacks.

Sans summoned a huge group of Gaster Blasters and shot them at its soul, but once again it evaded Sans's attack.

Sans knew from the start that this was going to be another failed attempt.


After a long battle (as well as a long slash across his chest), Sans and it were once again facing eachother. Sans breathed in, and out, but decided not to say the same thing that he had said to it for over a thousand timelines. It chuckled darkly. "So," it said. "looks like you aren't going to Grillby's this time, huh? And looks like you aren't going to say hello to Papyrus, my my! Then again, I get it. You'll be seeing him again anyway! Next time!!!" Sans was disgusted by its voice. Its voice sounded like blood was dripping out. But, even in this gruesome scene, Sans managed to make a pun. "oh, of course i'll say hi to papyrus next time. but for now, i may need to sharpen my reflexes. besides, even though this wasn't a very knife reunion, i still am enjoying this freedom once again." Sans said.

His smile grew wider as he dragged himself across the Judgement Hall and out of its sight. Sans then dusted, smiling at happier memories of him and Papyrus together, before it came...

When life was perfect...

Patient Justice (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin