Welcome to Highschool

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Yukio was in pain.
Not physically, but emotionally.

All throught to day he watched Rin get dirty looks, and notes thrown at him while he slept. He didn't read them, he just put them in his bag and went to class.

Rin didn't even have the energy to hide his tail. Thatifcourse didn't help.

Satan's spawn

Why are they calling Rin these thing? Because he's the son of Satan? So am I. We're twins. No one treats me any different. If anything, they're nicer now. Why?!
Yukio wanted to cry, but he just kept writing everything down.

One more period before lunch. Yukio felt like he could breath when he saw Bon. Finally. Someone who wouldn't be utterly horrible to his brother.

Of course. That easy breath was stopped short when Bon walked behind Rin just so he could stomp on Rin's tail.

He cried out in pain and fell to his knees, shaking and hold his tail to his chest.

Yukio stared as he watched Bon lean down the his brothers shaking form and whisper in his ear.
"Now stay down. Demon." He whispered venomous my before spitting on Rin and finding his way to his seat.

Other students kicked Rin aside as they entered. "Move. You're in the way Dumbass."

Rin was quick to get to his seat and just made it through class. Barely.

Luckily, lunch was next. He wasn't hungry, at all, but he was ready to not have to deal with teachers for a whole hour.
An hour long nap sounded great.

The bell rand and Rin almost sprinted to lunch.
He had just gotten comfy when two familiar voices sounded over head.

"Rin!!!" One shouted.
"We have your lunch!" Ukobach waved the bag around happily and Rin smiled.

Kuro landed gently on the grass and Ukobach jumped off his back and ran to Rin.
"Hey Rin! Look what I made!" Uko shouted. Rin chuckled and shook his head.
"I told you. I don't have to make me meals this week." He said, taking the bag with the box in it anyways

"But you said that you ate them because I would have to cook for Yukio anyways. I only make lunch for you, remember. You make Yukio his lunches." Uko said with big sad eyes.

Rin smiled and ruffled Ukobach's tuft of hair. "Thank you Ukobach. I love it."

Kuro, who had perched on Rin's head, stretched out on his back, falling over Rin's eyes with his paws toward Ukobach.

"Uko! I wanna play!" He whined.

Rin laughted and took the demon cat off his head.
"Alright. You two go play. I'll stay here and eat." He smiled. Ukobach smiled back, glad Rin said he would eat, he hopped on Kuro's back.
The demon cat made quick work of disappearing from sight.

Rin smiled at where they had been and opened the cardboard box that held his lunch.

One smell of the delicious meal and Rin felt like he was going to vomit.

He made sure Kuro and Ukobach were really gone, before throwing the box away and going to take a nap.

It felt like he was finally getting some real sleep, but it ended all to soon.

He was wet and there was a searing pain everywhere the water touched. It hurt so bad, he couldn't help but scream.

Rin was sure he could hear Bon's voice. "It's deluted as hell. It's not like it's going to kill you. Shut up." He spat before heading to class.

Once Rin got used to the pain. He made his way to the dorms as fast as he could.

Fuck it all, he ripped off his clothes and got in the shower. He turned it on at full heat and sat there until he wasn't in any physical pain.

With hia body cleared of Holy water, Rin glared at his uniform, soaking wet and ripped to shreds. His nails made some rather deal gashes in his chest that he only just noticed. The Holy water slowed the healing, but even with it gone Rin had a feeling thwy would scar.


In a fit of anger and frustration, Rin threw blue flames at his soaking wet clothes and didn't even bother to pay attention his his flame as it ate away ate them until there was absolutely nothing left and it vanished.

He got dressed in a spare uniform and put another spare in his bag just in case Bon decided to dump holy water on him again.

He looked at his watch. Cram School was going to start soon...

Well, no point in that trip then. He's got a few, so Rin decided to pull out his candles.

He started setting up more than three and always made his intended target clear.
Yukio watched proudly as Rin fot it almost everytime, but Rin seemed frustrated? What is he doing?

Some questions are never answered and this is one of them due to a bell ringing in the distance.

Rin aighed and put his candles away before pulling out his key.

Yukio watched Rin slowly make his way to class. Dispite having full ability to be the first to class, Rin purposely waited a little.
To say Yukio wasn't a little irritated by this as a teacher would be a lie.

Rin lifted his hand to the door and he hesitated and back up a few steps. Yukio watched his eyes as they trianed on the door with extreme caution.

When Rin walked in, his seat was empty so he sat at it. Nume walked in a reaumed his normal spot, then Shima, Koneko, and Shiemi. Shiemi, though timid, didn't really seemed bothered by Rin's presence next to him and said hi to him with a warm smile.

Then Bon walked in.

He glared at Rin with a level of lothing that made the half demon shrink away.

He made quick work of pulling the demon from the his and watching his land on the floor.
"And just where do you think you're sitting, monster? Letting the spawn of Satan live it bad enough, but letting it attempt to become an Exsorsit is just a sick joke. That's what you are. A joke. And weapon. A toy. You sleep through class anyways so the least you can do is sit in the back so that those of us who actually care about humanity can learn how to protect it." He kicked Rin in the hip to make his point and Rin stood up and limped to his seat in the back, keeping his head down.

"Nemu! I thought I told you to sit here so he can't!" Bon barked.
Nemu just shrugged and moved seats again.

When a flustered teacher walked in Bon sent a glare at Rin. "What happened to Sensie?!" He yelled at the twin.

The teatcher quickly got situated. "Mr. Okumura-Sensie has been sent on a mission for the week. I will be teaching you in his stead. Now, your schedules will be switched around a little, but don't worry. I assure you, I know what I teach. Now, I'd like you to say 'here' when I call your name."

The classes went no different that normal highschool classes.
With no brother to annoy with stupid questions, Rin got bored and fell asleep.

"Okumura! Wake up!" Shura yelled.
Rin jolted upright at the sound of his name and saw Shura standing there.

"Alright. Now that everyone is present, time fer class!" She cheered, sitting on the desk and making Yukio rub the bridge of his nose in irritation.
At least she was being a good teacher in making sure everyone was awake.

After her lesson finished, everyone when to gym.
They all groaned at the sight of that stupid cage that looked empty.
They knew it wasn't.

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