The Demon's Demons

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After he'd calmed down, Yukio decided to indulge in the silence and rest for a bit.

It wasn't long though, before small whimpers and pleas filled the room.
He looked over in surpise to see Rin twitching and thrasing a bit.

After what seemed like forever, Rin shot up panting.
Eventually, Rin chuckled to himself.
"Let me guess... About 3?" He asked the air sarcastically.
He and Yukio looked at the clock.
Rin was exactly right.

The teen groaned as he stood. He grabbed the hia stuff and walked out.

Where does he think he's going? Yukio thought. His brother should be trying to go back to sleep. Not off doing whatever. Especially with how little he's eaten. He should conserve his energy.

Yukio mentally added that to thw list of thinga to lecture Rin about before remembwring the notepad. It was technically Sunday so he should probably write down what Rin is doing.

3:04 A.M
- wakes from nightmare
- grabs his Sword and a bag and heads off

That's when Yukio realized he had no clue where his brother was going and went to find him.

He caught Rin going through the door that went to the roof.

heads off to the roof

He finished the note.
What is Rin doing on the roof so late at night?
He was quickly answered by the start of Rin's nightly training.
Yukio was sure to have a time log for it.

3:15 am
-begins training.
  · stretching
  · laps around the dorms
  · battle training

5:38 am
- takes break from training
  · works with candles to control flame. (Almost complete control)
*doesn't seem to think he's made progress*
- stretches lightly
- go back to training.

6:4θ am
- finishes training
- sits on the roof and

Yukio looks up to view what Rin is doing. It looks like he's just star gazing.
"Today was exhausting." He muttered, staring up at the sky.

-sits on the roof and thinks

Yukio promptly finished before floating beside Rin.

Rin didn't really do much. He just muttered to himself while watching the stars.

"Kuro sure loves to play and Ukobach just can't seem to get enough of cooking... I feel bad. Why am I not hungry anymore? Am I sick? I don't really feel sick. Maybe it's just stress." He conversed with himself casually.

Yukio chuckled. He knew Rin tended to mutter to himself, but this was just conveint.

-sits on the roof and talks to himself

He fixed in his notes

Rin sighed again. The stars were fading and the tingling of his scars did feel like it would go away anytime soon. He causally scratched were they'd been, not even realizing his skin started to turn bright red from the constant scraping of his nails.

The sun started to make its way into another day and Rin got up too grab his stuff and take a shower.

2 hours passed and Yukio was sure Rin had used all the hot water. Who to hell takes a 2 hour long shower? Looks like even Kuro is wondering where Rin is.
Finally, Rin walked in looking red as a devil.

Kuro jumped on to his still wet chest. "Rin! Where were you?" The demon cat asked in a worried tone. Rin chuckled nervously.
"I uh.... Sorta fell asleep in the shower... Ha.."

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