Why is he Allowed to Teach

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Rin walked in on people running from leapers and reached for his backpack. Suddenly, Shura came from behind and he tensed.

"Nope. Sorry kid. Chicken called a head and said you aren't to participate. Said yur sick or some shit." She felt his forehead but found no fever. If anything, Rin was a little to cold.
"You don't feel sick. Did you lie to your bro? Rin?" She said an a light, but firm way.

Ron gave a sheepish smile. "Yes? Just don't tell him?" He asked. Shura nodded.
"Alright. Fine. I'll keep my lips sealed, but if your fine, I'm not gonna keep you on the sidelines. Go get changed."

Rin nodded and did just that.

He was quick to join in the leaper laps and felt his mood steadily rise.
Everytime he saw Bon though, his tail would hide under his shirt and around his torso.

Still, despite that. Rin was starting to feel okay again.

The reapers were pulled back and a new cage arrived, but it was covered.

"Alright class. Today you all be fighting off. A new demon. We call it Gorliam. It has eyes around its head and can an intimate amount of strong arms. It's impossible to beat alone, but as if you attack it as a group and confuse it, you have a shot. I've set up a barrier around the feild. Nothing can get out. Keeps it trapped and unfortunately, you as well. You are given several areas for cover stalked with a jug of deluted Holy water. Reputed Holy water grinades, guns with deluted Holy water bullets. As well as small blessed blades should you find youself caught. None of these are potant enough to kill anyone on accident."
He eyed Rin.

"But they will hurt if you're caught in a blast. So Mr. Okumura, I'd say watch your step. You're mission is to subdue and recapture the Gorliam! Understood? Good. Good luck!"

And the battle had begun.

Rin had grown really used to his sword, so when it was taken by Shura, he carried the wood one in its place.

Rin ran for the first cover spot he saw and met with Shiemi and Kone.

He quickly looked over everything that was there. The jug of Holy water. "Hey, Shiemi. Could you pass me that?" He asked.

"But Rin you- o-okay." She slid it over. It was heavy.
"Sorry guys, This might make a mess." He warned. Rin pulled out his wooden sword, surprising them since they thought it was the real one. Rin soaked the 'blade' in the deluted Holy water allowed the wood to soak it in. He hissed in pain as some of it touched his hand.

"Are you okay?" Shiemi asked. Concern for a friend hiding her fear away. Rin put the jug on the table and smiled at her.
"Yeah. I've just always perfered a sword. Although, this might not hurt" he grabbed a blessed blade and put it in his pocket.

Kone was holding a gun. "Guns -are more ef-effective." He said, failing at hiding his fear.

Both Shiemi and Koneko were still shaken from what happened earilier with Bon.
Shiemi almost cried seeing that look on Rin's face.

Kone... Kone had been terrified, at first.

Bon was hurting the spawn of satan. Rin could easily kill them all even on accident. He could lose controle. He could-
Rin's shattered screams reached his ears and he really looked at the scene.
Tears pouring down Rin's face as he begged and pleaded for Bon to let go, but not attacking. Bon was really hurting Rin.
Rin, their... friend.

What really struck Koneko though was that even though Rin was on the ground in tears, begging to be set free, Bon was smiling a twisted smirk and yelling at him.

It was then that made Koneko questioned what exactly defines someone as a demon.

Now that everything had died down for the most part, they were in this really akward position with Rin.

Rin faked a smile at Kone. "I suppose. But Guns are more my brother's thing. Oh, here. If you take a gun, you're going to want extra ammo on the feild, just in case." Rin said, passing Kone a case of Bullets.

Rin peaked out the hidey hole and saw Shima who was also looking out.
Nothing was there though.

"Oh! Did I mention that it can turn invisible?! No matter! Just wound it and-" *ring* "oh, hello kitten!" The idiot teacher ran out of the room, leaving the kids to think they were alone. Only Rin was aware Shura was still in the room.

"How are we supposed to wound somthing we can't see?!" Bon's voice cut through.
Rin sighed. He knew.

Jumping out of the hole, he sprinted to the center of the feild and waited as holy water dripped from his wood sword.

Shura leaned forward with interest. Just what did that kid think he was doing?

"Come out, come out, where ever you are." He taughtned in a signsong voice.

It was only thanks to his demonic hearing he caught a growl.
"Ah shit." He muttered, though it echoed through the silence.
Rin turned his sword and stance just in time for the creature to land on him and pucture itself.

"Rin!!!" Shiemi screamed.

Finally, Rin groaned under the weight letting everyone know he survived. "Found it." He strained, making Shima and Izumo facepalm.

Bon threw a grenade at Rin which really started the fighting.
Rin and the monster scrame in pain. Lucky for Rin, most of his body was covered by the invisible demon as it had shifted enough in attempt to suffocate him. Not that anyone saw that. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for his hand.

The demon started to run, leaving Rin in pain. Rin quickly stood up and looked for his sword. Of course, it was still stuck in the demon.

He growled, but before he could take a step, a holy water bullet passed straight through his left shoulder.

"Aah! What the hell?!" He looked up at Bon who glared down at him with the coldest eyes. "You're supossed to be going after the demon!"

Bon sneered. "Which one?" He shot Rin's shoulder again.

"The one who it trying to kill your friends!!!"

Bon brought the gun up to really aim. "Again. Which one?" He said in a sickeningly calm voice.

Rin stared at him in utter terror.

It was as if time stood still.
For Rin, it slowly regained speed as the demon revealed it's self about the slash Bon from behind.
In that same moment Rin used his Demon speed and ran straight toward the belly of the beast to rip his sword out.

The pain, knocked the beast backwards in it's attack. An arm formed and grabbed Rin so to eat him, but made the mistake of looking Rin in the eyes. Rin let his flames show as he spoke. "Put. Me. Down. Now." The demon did as it was told and waited for further orders.

Rin had enough control on his flames that he could make somthing look on fire was it wasn't, and he did that with his wooden, bloodied sword as he poitned to the cage.

The larger demon limped over and curled up, but it wasn't until he locked the cage and covered it that Rin let his flames go he sighed and took a step back from the dizzy spell he got. He walked over the the stunned Bon and ripped the gun from his hands.

"That one." He growled, pointing at the cage before throwing the weapon.
Rin ran over to the group to see if any of them needed help.

Shura watched with interest. Training was going to be a lot of fun.

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