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Rin walked back to the dorm. In silence. Today had been quiet the eventful day.

The firmiliar sting on his arms was faded now. Gone and healed thanks to his freakishness.
He kinda missed
Rin steadied his thoughts and his breaths.

He was so glad that tomorrow was Saturday.

Yukio still wasn't home as usual, but Rin wanted to know why he'd been called away in the middle of class.
Oh well. He'd probably find out later. So, for now, Rin just grabbed a school book and opened it.

He was already plenty ahead, but he still liked to review what he knew and continue on farther.
He'd already finished his history book completely, but that was mostly because the closer you got to the end, the more modern the information and in the end he started to read about Dad and his work as Paladin.

Rin smiled softly to himself. He really missed the old man. Maybe he'd go an visit his grave on Sunday? Yeah. Perhaps Yukio would want to come too?

Rin ahuffled that away into and things he'd want to bring up later and went back to his book.

6 o'clock finally came the door opened and shut. Like always, Rin quickly made it look like he'd been napping.

Yukio sighed when he walked into the quiet room. Ron was always napping. Just made his job for the next week sound even more boring and a usless waste of time.

He sighed and woke his brother.

Ron yawned and stretched after Yukio woke him.
"Hey. Diner time?" He asked groggily.

Yukio nodded. "Yeah." He said. Rin smiled.
"Thanks for waking me." He joked, stood up.

The second the smell of food hit Rin, he stopped. He was getting used to this reaction, but it didn't mean it felt good.

The feeling subsided and he shook his head with a sigh.
"Are you alright Rin?" His brother asked behind him.

Rin smiled at him. "Yeah. Just got dizzy for a moment. I'm gonna drink some water."

Yukio nodded. "You should take better care of yourself. It's worriesome."

Rin forced down half of his meal and half a glass of water as he ate with his brother.

"So where did you go during class?" Rin asked.
Yukio hesitated. "I was called on a mission." He said slowly.

Rin lit up. "I knew it! Did you meet a demon? What kind of demon was it? Did you get it?" Rin asked letting his excitement show.

Normaly. Yukio enjoyed this side of Rin, but right now that required more lies and he hated that.
"I don't see how that's any of your buiness." He snapped and little more harshly than he intended too.

Everyone stared at him and Rin stopped silent.
"Sorry for asking..." He said, standing up to walk out, head hung low.

"Rin I-" Yukio tried to apoligize, but Rin had already left.
Uhh! Why did Metphesto have to ruin everything. They were finally getting back to the way they used to be.

By the time Yukio got to the room, Rin had already gone to sleep.
He sighed and looked at the back that faced him like it always did.

"What am I gonna do? I wish dad were here. He would know." He whispered so not to wake his brother.
He always knew he though with a smile.
Maybe after this week was over, He and Rin could go fist his grave? That'd be nice.

Unfortunatly, Rin wasn't asleep and heard every word his brother said.
Yukio's words from his first day here echoed through his mind.
"You killed Father!"
Rin closed his eyes tighter as he practically begged for sleeps sweet embrace.

3 am came around and Rin sighed. He grabbed his sword and backpack

After his training was done, he decided to sit and think.
Words echoed through his head as he thought over the day's events.

"Those flames kill people"

Bon was right. They do and they have. They killed his own father while in his possession.

A silent tear slipped down his face. He missed the old man.
He missed his dad.
He missed him so much, it hurts.

What hurts the most is, he knew the old man would still be here if it wasn't for him.

Rin sighed and whiped away the tear and he pulled his backpack toward him.

Notes fell out over the roof. Normaly, Rin would just burn them, but for some reason, he decided to read them.
One by one he uncrumpled, read, and burned everyone one of them.

After each one it felt like something was taken away from him and by the time he was done, he had nothing left.
Rin just felt empty.

He didn't contemplate why he did that cause he knew he'd feel horrible after, just like everytime he bothered to read them. He was to numb.
Maybe not entirely numb this time...

This time, his scars itched. They were back to how that were by now, if not, completely gone. But they'd still been opened and the pain was still lingering. Taunting him.

He sighed, packed up his stuff, and went to get a quick shower. Scartching his arms as he went.

Rin felt better after his shower and quickly hopped into bed.
Unfortunately, it didn't mean his wasn't still hurt by how Yukio had spoken, so when his brother tried to wake him an hour or so later, he didn't stir.

Why was Yukio even waking him up? It's Saturday.

He heard a sigh. Yukio must have grabbed something out of his desk cuz scribbling could be heard. Then another sigh and he left.

Rin sat up to glare/pout at the door before laying down to get some sleep.

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