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Rin met with Shura, after everyone was deemed okay, to go to training.
She laughed. "Go grab some food first. I'll see ya in 15." She said, sending him off.

Rin didn't really feel all that hungry, so he just went to the roof to cool down.

He released his flames. Again. But this time, it was 100% on purpose.
He felt so... Proud. And perhaps a little giddy at having pulled off his flames trick too.

Bon came stomping out of the building with Shima. It looked like they were fighting. Rin knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but not being evil didn't make him a saint.

He ducked down and only peeked from his perch. He was really high up anyways so he was well hidden as he listened in with demon ears.

"Why the he'll did you drag me all the way out here?" Bon growled
Shima looked... In a word?

None if these seemed extreme enough to discibe how Shima looked right now.
Rin's tail coiled around his leg on sight.

"What the Fuck was that Bon?! Shooting at Rin?! You completely ignored the demon we were supposed to fight just to shoot at our friend!!!"

Bon seemed unaffected by Shima's words as he crossed his arms in defience.
"That vermin has no friends. It doesn't deserve any. Everyone knows it. That thing is a vile demon that should be stomped out! More than that, it's the Spawn of Satan!!! Those blue flames hurt people! They've KILLED before and they'll do it again! I'm just trying to protect my friends from that Monster!!!"

Rin gasped and shot back. Monster? Me? No... no.... It-it can't be. I'm not a...

He found his reflection starting back at him through a puddle
All his demonic traits seemed so evident. His pointed ears, sharp teeth. His blue hair he knew was only colored like that because of his demonic powers.

His alarm went off on his phone, telling him he needed to meet with Shura.

Shima and Bon were still going at it, but Rin had stopped listening.
He'd heard enough.

In the training room, Shura waited for Rin. She was very impressed with Rin's capabilities he showed with his flames and had already set up to test him.

Rin was surpised to see her sitting outside the door. "Hey there kid. You ready?" Rin stopped and was immediately on guard.
"For...?" He asked. Shura laugh and handed him a blindfold.

"Your test." She said.

Rin put it on and allowed her to pull him around for a while. Where are they going? Finaly they went through a door, then what sounded like a curtain.

She took the blind fold off of Rin and he found he was in a curtained off room. Only him, Shura, and a table full of white candles

"Here's the deal. Ya get one look at the table to get a good feel for it. Then yer gonna put that blindfold back on and attempt the light only the blue one." She explained.

Rin sucked in a breath. There's no way he could do that! He-
"Alright put the blind fold back on."

He did as told, not feeling ready at all.

"Don't light it. But just imagine it being lit. Good.... Now here's the trick."

Somthing was placed over his ears, wind started to whip around, poeple were lost in a chatter.

There was so much going on Ron couldn't focus. He struggled and struggled.
Words and voices he recognized slipped through the crowd.

"You killed father!"
"Vile beast!"
"Bastard son!"
"Spawn of Satan!"

Where he'd been imagining the candle, appeared an image of someone he loathed and he couldn't stop himself from lighting the bastard up.

The next second Rin's screams filled the room. As his own fire engulfed him. It was a strange sight to see. They didn't seem to be burning him, but cutting him open in very precise lines on his arms. Once they were done, the flame left and Rin painted heavily.

"Kid. What was that?" She asked, highly concerned.
Rin looked at his arms and tears threatened his eyes.

"I dont know... One moment I was focusing on the candle, the next I-"
He hugged his knees tightly, calming his breaths while she rubbed circles on his back.

"Why did the flames, cut you, like this? She asked carefully.

Rin shook his head. "They didn't really. Just opened my old scars."

Shura stopped dead. "Rin." She said in a serious voice, but the kid growled at her.

"Don't. Please, just don't. It was a long time ago and it's a dropped subject. Just a side effect of being me. Just please, don't tell Yukio. The whole reason I stopped is because the old man promised not to tell Yukio. Okay?"

Shura sighed. The only reason she wasn't severely pissed was because the scars were so old and faded, she never even saw them.
"Alright. I won't talk to Yukio, or anyone else, about this but you do understand that I will be even more of a... How'd you put it? Oh yeah. A mother hen, now that I know."

Rin sighed and shook his head. "I know. Part of why I never told you."

They sat like that until finally Shura stood up. "Come on. Back to our normal training. It's time for me to kick your ass."

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