The Morning Routine

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Rin gasped and shot up. Words and taunts from his nightmare still echoed in his skull. Slowly but surely, Rin was able to regain control of his breathing.
He glanced over and saw Yukio sleeping soundly on the other side of the room.

What time is it this time? He looked at the clock and scoffed. 3 am, again. His nightmares worked like clockwork.

He groaned and stood up, knowing he wouldn't be getting back to sleep. Shura had his sword, but he still had the sad replacement.
She'd given him a wooden replica for him to train on his own with even though she made it clear she didn't expect him too.

Jokes on her.

Rin grabbed the wood sword, as well as some other stuff, and left for the roof. For some reason, Rin just felt better on the roof or in high places in general.

He set down the sword and stripped off his shirt. A few good stretches are what started out his workout.
After that he jumped off the building, using his powers to land safely, and started doing laps around the building until he felt fully refreshed and ready to start some real training.

Rin had really grown to love training up here at night.
The stars were peaceful as was the sound of the nightcreatures lurking about. Nobody was out this late and if they were, they were too far away to be heard, deapite his enhanced demonic hearing. Rin felt like he could finally breath up here.

After he was done training with the sword, Rin would take a break and pull out a bag of candles.
Setting three out in a row, he focused his energy on the outside two.

He'd been able to get it a few times, but it wasn't quite constant. Yet.

First try, the middle wick lit.
Second try, the right wick lit.
Thrid try, just the outside...

And so he kept going. Setting a goal to do it at least 5 times in row before going back to the sword for the night.

After having pulled off 7 in a row before he slipped up, Rin smiled at himself and put the candles away.

He sighed and grabbed his wood sword after doing a small stretch sequence. Just enough so he didn't pull somthing.

When the morning sun started to dance over Rin's sweat covered body he sighed in releif.

Time for a shower.

After his shower, Rin slipped quietly into bed and rested his eyes. Not a moment after he'd settled did Yukio's alarm go off.

Yukio got up and got ready, waking Rin up before he went to get a shower.

Rin yawned loudly and stretched his aching body. "Immup." He muttered groggily, for show.

Once Yukio was out of sight, Rin gathered all his things and headed down the the kitchen to make breakfast.

Oops. Looks like Ukobach beat him too it.

"Hey Ukobach. I'm just gonna eat some toast today. First class is a test and I don't want to risk being late for that." Rin smiled. The little demon chef seemed down hearted, so Rin tried to cheer him up.
"I'll tell you what. I'll let you cook dinner tonight instead. Okay?" He suggested.

Ukobach smiled brightly and nodded before turning his attention back to the meal.
"Go sit. I'll get the toast." Ukobach ordered.

Rin chuckle and did as told.
Yukio walked in, fully dressed and ready. He nodded at his brother and turned toward the freezer.

There was a single lunch waiting just for him. Huh only one?
"Rin. Did you already grab your lunch?" He asked.

Yukio's demenor hasn't changed toward Rin since the others found out. He's not cruel or anything, just particularly brotherly either.

Ron blushed. "Uh... Y-yeah. It's in my bag." He patted his backpack.
Yukio didn't seem to believe him, but didn't push it.

Ukobach, who knew full well Rin was lying glared at him when he handed him his toast.
"I'll bring you some lunch later." He said in a tone that didn't allow Ron to argue.

Ron smiled bashfully and ran out the door with his bag.
After a few moments Yukio was served his food and thanked Ukobach.

He look across the table and scoffed. "I hope he packed a big lunch." He muttered. The small demon looked at him curiously and Yukio nodded toward where Rin had sat.

"My brother forgot to bring his toast with him."

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