(The thing circled)

Changbin turned and looked at Chan giving a mischievous smile.

"I swear if you dont come down from there" Chan called. He smiled at the lady politely before walking off embarrassed.

Seungmin zoomed past him calling over his shoulder, "Run!"


Out of no where Minho appeared and tapped Chan's shoulder.

"Tag, you're it!" He shouted before running off. Chan sighed and shook his head.

"If you cant beat 'em, join 'em" he mumbled before chasing after Felix.

Everyone in the park just stared at the teens, wondering what the hell they were doing.

Some of them even leaving and going to another place because of the giants running past their kids.

Felix somehow out ran Chan, his little legs moving faster than before.

Chan sighed and slowed to a stop, seeing Jeongin peacefully twirling in a small circle on the field.

Chan smirked wanting to ruin his peacefulness. He quietly walked up to Jeongin, forming a plan in his head.

Jeongin stop twirling upon seeing Chan, a tint of red brushing his cheeks.

"Hey, Chan" Jeongin said rocking back and forth, his hands folded behind his back.

Chan smiled innocently at him, taking a step forward. Jeongin coughed feeling awkward.

"So um who's it?" Jeongin asked looking behind him to see everybody going to hide.

"I am" Chan stated nonchalantly making Jeongin's eyes widened.

"Oh......Ooooooh" Jeongin said before running past Chan. Unfortunately Chan was quicker and grabbed Jeongin by his waist making the younger yelp.

Chan brought Jeongin down to the ground and pinned him underneath him.

Jeongin blushed a deep red, while Chan admired his face. His red cheeks, big doe eyes, and red plump lips.

And without knowing it he started to lean in. Jeongin's eyes widened as he saw Chan leaning in slowly. A thousand questions zooming through his mind.

'What is he doing? Is he gonna kiss me? Does he like me? Do I even like him? We have been getting closer over this last month, did he catch feelings?'

And Jeongin could only close his eyes, hoping for the best. And Chan noticed his panic, seeing his eyes widen before closing.

When their lips were mere inches apart, Chan stopped. Was this how he wanted it to go?

He knew the younger has never had his first kiss before for he had never dated anyone before.

Did Chan really want to take his first kiss when he doesnt even know if Jeongin liked him back?

For sure by now Jeongin would have realized, everybody else has already, but Jeongin was oblivious and didnt know that his every single movement made Chan's heart beat rapidly. and Chan has never felt this way about anybody ever.

And this few moments where the two were about to kiss, a situation between life and death, Chan had to make a decision.

But unfortunately or fortunately, Chan's phone made the decision for him. Ringing loudly in his back pocket.

Chan kissed Jeongin's cheek whispering, "Tag you're it" in his ear before getting up.

Jeongin opened his eyes, his face flushed red as he quickly stood up brushing himself off.

He gave an awkward smile to Chan before running towards the playground to tag a different person.

Chan sighed taking out his phone, looking to see who had called him. He looked at the ID and saw that it was Jeongin's mother.

He quickly called back and his mother answer just as quickly.

"Chan, sweetie. How are you?" Jeongin's mother asked sweetly.

"I'm doing fine, great actually"  Chan said walking in a circle.

"That's awesome. I hope Jeongin hasnt given you a hard time, I know we haven't been able to talk lately" Jeongin's mother said sighing.

"Not at all, We're actually at the park right now. He's playing tag" Chan said laughing softly.

Ms. Yang's soft laughter filled his ears and it reminded him of Jeongin's.

"I know I said he can act like a child, that didnt mean to treat him like one" She joked.

Chan laughed, "He was the one who suggested it."

"That sounds like Jeongin" She paused, "Can you keep a secret?"

"Uh yeah, sure I can keep a secret" He answered confused.

"Dont tell Jeongin but me and his father are going to be coming home" She said.

Chan frowned, that meant he would have to go back to his own empty home and he wont be able to spend whole days and nights with Jeongin like he does.

"Isn't it early though, I thought you guys had to stay for another month or so"

"Turns out we finished the project faster than expected" She stated.

Chan forced a smile even though she couldnt see it, "Thats great"

"It sure is, Could you pass the phone to Jeongin I would like to speak with him"

As Chan turned around, his group of friends ran past him at full speed. Heading into the large field.

"Jeongin" He called out seeing the colored haired boy.

Jeongin stopped running and jogged towards Chan, a small smile on his face which made Chan smile.

"Your mom is on the phone" Chan said. Jeongin's eyes widened in surprise, his smile getting bigger as he grabbed the phone out of Chan's hands.

"Hey momma" He said brightly.

Chan watched as Jeongin walked around talking to his mom. He saw the way his eyes lit up and how he bit his lip when his mom spoke.

And that's when Chan promised himself to make Jeongin his and to make most of their time.

So uh, heres a hint for what's to come.

You guys might hate me but then love me at the end😁

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