Ratchet frowned, his thoughts swirling as he tried to keep calm and figure it out. "Well whatever it is, you don't need to worry about it. That isn't something for you to concern yourself with, alright?" He said, looking at her with a gentle look. "It's Raf's business." 

"I know... but I've found myself worrying about everyone." she whispered. "Especially after all this happened." she said as she held onto his arm, and they went back to the hospital. "I don't want us to get sick and die out..." she whispered.

He stopped walking and stared at her seriously. "I won't let that happen. And you don't need to worry about everyone. You need to worry about you, alright? Everyone else will get taken care of." He said gently, rubbing her arm. 

She looked at him then smiled a little before hugging his arm and burying her face in his shoulder. "Thanks Grandad." she whispered and smiled a little. Ratchet smiled faintly and nodded, wrapping his arm around her. He held her close to his side as he walked into the room and she went to sit with her father. He took a seat and sighed, rubbing his knees. 

She stayed by her dad and gripped his hand then quietly spoke with him. She was telling him about the things he missed out on and told him how they still didn't know about her mother.

Ratchets expression shifted, falling. He frowned deeply and looked down to his ring, fiddling with it again as he listened. He waited until she was finished before he began standing. "Would you like to stay here tonight?" He asked.

"What about you?" she asked and looked at him as her eyes widened a little. "I can't leave you alone." she said.

"I'll be here." The old man said as he began getting a blanket and pillow out of cabinets and began bringing them to her, sitting them in the chair next to her. 

"Thank you..." she whispered as she looked at him then smiled a little. Ratchet nodded in welcome then placed his hands in his coat pockets. She stared at her father again as she worried about him. What would she do if he actually died?

 He sighed softly and looked to Jack, his expression hardening. "I'll be back. Stay here." He murmured and began leaving. 

"I... okay..." she said quietly as she watched him go then went back to her father. She stared at him for a long time then quietly talked to him again. Feeling he could hear her anyway.

As she sat there, soon a young woman knocked on the door. "Hey Skye." She whispered as she walked over, pulling a bit at her brown hair.

"Hello..." she whispered and looked at her as she smiled a little, but didn't say anything else for a few minutes.

"Oh, I'm Riley Esquivel. I came to collect the sample of the virus." She whispered shyly, looking at her small hands then back to her.

"Oh hello." she said as she smiled a little, though knew who she was. "Wait... the virus?" she asked with concern and looked at her.

Riley shifted. "You came to the lab about a virus. We need a sample to reverse engineer it." She murmured. 

"Oh... well... I don't have it." she muttered and stood then walked with her. She helped her find someone that was infected by the virus.

Riley looked down at their shoes quietly as they walked, adjusting her thin glasses. "Sorry to come bother you." 

"Hey... don't be nervous." she said as she smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. "And... it's alright I was just visiting my dad. He's alive." she grinned as tears filled her eyes. She knew that Riley's mother had grown ill after giving birth to her little sister. Raf still didn't know what was wrong with her either. "Um... how's little Quinn?" she asked quietly. The child was four now and liked to hang around the lab with her father.

I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora