"You don't forget do you?" I taunted but only got a straight face from him.

"It's hard to forget when everyone's chatting about you" He said, interlinking our fingers.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You didn't observe did you?" he scoffed.

"Observe what?" I was seriously disoriented. What did he mean by people chatting?

"The entire school's eyes are on us. Right now there are four people at your twelve o clock, ten o clock and two girls at your two o clock who have been muttering 'so cute' for the past hour."

"We've been here for two minutes." I rolled my eyes.

"Get the point." He deadpanned. I was about to turn my head to look at these people but Nathan grabbed my chin and turned it towards him.

"Don't look, then it's just awkward." He muttered.

"But you looked." I complained.

"Yeah, but I looked slyly."

"I can look slyly too." I said, pouting.

"We are totally getting off the point. The point is that everyone knows we're dating and you who used to be the 'unachievable' has become the 'achievable'. Guys will be after you more now." He said grimly, tightening his jaw.

"And I am running to them?" I asked, cocking my brow.

"No but—"

"But what Nathan?" I almost yelled. This was more difficult than I thought it would be. There was no way I would stop talking to my friends, doesn't matter if they were guys, they were my friends.

Nathan let go of my hand and ran his hands through his hair, annoyed.

There was definitely something more he was hiding from me and right on cue he said, "I heard some guys talk okay? They're talking shit about you and I just want to protect you—"

"What were they saying?" I asked in a sharp tone.

"Megan that's not—"

"They were talking about me I believe I have the right to know." I stood taller and created some distance. This irked him more as he started clenching and unclenching his fists and that's when I noticed that there were bruises on his knuckles.

"They. . .They were saying how. . .They. . ." He fumbled, clearly very angry.

"Just blurt it out." I said, keeping my eyes on his fists. Thankfully he had his eyes everywhere but me at the moment so he didn't realize me looking at his bruises.

"They were saying how you'd be easy to get okay?" He sneered.

"I am pretty sure they said something more than that. You wouldn't have punched them for just saying that." I replied, taking his hand in mine and looking up at him.

"This is from soccer practice." He said quickly, retracting his hand.

"Yeah because you dribble the soccer ball don't you?" I mocked keeping a straight face. Why was he hiding it from me? I had heard enough ridicule in my life to last for my next seven lives.

"I fell—" He tried justifying.

"Oh save it. I have punched people too and I for a fact know that isn't from soccer practice. And I wouldn't be pissed at you for admitting that you punched someone, I am pretty sure he deserved it." I said softly.

"They did and that's why I don't want you talking to guys anymore." He sneered.

"Not everyone's like the guys you punched." I said, keeping my tone calm.

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