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There will be a part in this chapter which  some of you guys might not understand so don't freak out. This book is still under its making. I keep editing chapters to make them better so if you have time just skim through the last two chapters to clear any confusion. It is not anything big but just to get into the groove. 

With that  I would like to give a big shoutout to StarlightQueen05. She has been such an interactive reader and so encouraging. Also courtesy to WritingRoses321  my book has its own GOD DAMN COVER. I didn't even ask for it but she was so pleasant to surprise me with one. Thank you so so much :) 

Now enjoyyy ( hopefully)!

Megan's POV

 I had changed into my fresh clothes and was seated on the steps outside the girl's locker room. I started thinking about Nathan.

How do I talk to him? Should I tell him what I had in my mind for him? No, no. . . that's a terrible idea. But by the looks of him, he already likes me. Then what do I do?

The growling of my stomach brought me back to reality. I was sooo hungry.

Pushing away thoughts of Satan, I took out my phone and dialed Kate's number. After waiting for three long rings which felt like ages, Kate picked up.

"Hey, whatsupp?" she huffed.

"Hey, do you wanna get something to eat--"

"Food. Yes, I am starving. Meet me at the cafeteria."

"Cool." I jumped up from the stairs to walk towards the cafeteria.

"By—" I hung up before she could finish.

Shit. I always forgot to say 'bye'.

What? I just like to talk to the point and hang up.

"Megan" I turned at the call of my name.

Why now? I didn't wanna talk to anyone right now. I get super annoyed when I am hungry. But my frown disappeared as I saw him.

"Drew! What are you doing here?" I beamed at him.

Drew was a very good friend of mine. We met on the first day of college in English Lit. He was very good looking but that's not what attracted me first about him ( okay, okay, that was the first thing). It was the fact that he was just so easy to talk to. He was so warmly polite and made me laugh the entire class. We almost got kicked out of our first class of the semester. But I didn't mind. We could just talk endlessly about random bullshit and still not feel bored. There. That summmed up our friendship.

"Saving your ass, as usual. . ." He pointed at my sports bag on the ground by moving his chin in that direction.

Shit. I forgot to pick up my sports bag. See, this is why I hate carrying stuff around, I lose them. First, jacket and now my sports bag.

What is happening to you Megan Brown?

Drew walked past me and picked up the sports bag before handing it over to me.

I smiled apologetically at him. "Thanks Drew."

"Isss okay" he brimmed with an accent which made me laugh.

"I am going to the café. Wanna come?"

"Can't. Computer science in 5 minutes. Talk to you later?" He asked, before hugging me sideways. I nodded at him as he ran the opposite way.

The cafeteria in this college was huge, always filled with people and their chitter chatter and not to forget the dirty tables all around. Luckily, I found a clean table at the corner. I put my bag on the seat next to where I settled down and took out my phone from the hip pocket.

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