Nan: Bhai....
A small mere whimper was all I could fumble.

My brother lied lifeless on the cot cold and remained  unmoved.

Arnav : They can't keep the body any longer here and need to be cremate.
He said while holding my trembling body.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

Tears were flowing doubtlessly.

While on corner Mukti wailed in her own misery.

Nan: Body....did you just say body....he is my brother Arnav....his name is Abhimanyu Murty.....he isn't a body.
I yelled at him while I walked towards my loving brother.

Nan: He is sleeping can't you see.
He is going to get up any time soon. He is going to be fine. He will be fine....
I cried while soon the door to the room got opened again and I heard Amms voice.

Amms: Nandu.
She called while I touch my brother arms.

They were ice cold.

His lips had turn black and were dry while his hair were the same black and beautiful.

I stared at his face while my hands from his armed move to his hair.

I caressed them while I felt Amms hand on my shoulder.

Amms: are okay ?
She asked me.

Nan: Amms bhai looks so peaceful when he is sleeping.
I told her while a small smile played on my lips.

Trilok was too there as he stood next to Arnav.

Mukti stared at their both faces

While my eyes were fixed on my brother face.

Nan: He will get united with amma and appa soon.
I cried touching his cheeks.

Nan: They will be so proud of him Amms. Afterall he took care of me just the way they would have infact he did lot more than that. Amms Abhi bhai was my angel. My.....Angel
I cried loudly.

Just the thought of not hearing his voice ever again made my soul tremble in pain.

I was in heart wrenching pain.

All I felt was my heart would come out of my mouth at anytime.

The pain was becoming unbearable.

I want him back.

I want to wake up from this nightmare.

I want one chance to make things right.

I want my three years back so that I get to spend with my brother.

I want him in those three years with me.

I want to talk, laugh, smile, and stay in his warm embrace.

I want him to come back.

Abhimanyu Murty can't leave me like this.....he can't.

I cried and cried as Amms holded me in her arms

I was drain and felt helpless.

I stood in cremated ground in white clothes.

My brother now lied in between the woods ready to get burn and complete his last walk on earth.

He was just alittle away to meet amma, appa.

His last existence that his physical existence his body was just left.

Which was soon going to be burned and perish.

I stared at him to get as long as I can his beautiful face glimpse.

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