CHAPTER TWENTY| Lift-ed into trouble

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"Um... Looks like we have to wait for them to come down through the elevators and attack them thereafter. You all know how to fight, eh?"

     Everyone nodded.

+ + + + +

 "Do you think we attacked them extremely brutally?" Bones asked, looking at the men on the elevator floor. Job shrugged.

     "Well, we're almost there-" the new guy said as he watched the numbers change.

      "Um... Do you think what we did was correct?" Job asked Rose quietly.

     "Well, he was going to slow us a lot down. He didn't want to come."

     "And we could've made him change his mind-"

     "Well, well, well."

      Everyone looked up.

      "Isn't it a pleasant morning? Five of you and one missing. Where's the other one?"

+ + + + +

"And how so good an invitation you have given to your friend, Mr. Dangers over here."

     "What do you want from us?" Job asked.

     "You know, each of you is a reason why I killed my uncle. My dear, precious blood. But... I'm not angry with you because of that." And he turned to Bones, who was kneeling before him. "It's because of one person in this room. One idiot- that got you all here kneeling. And that one person can get any or every one of you killed. It all depends on the mood in which I am in today.

     "If I am in a happy mood today, one or two may die... but if I'm on the other mood- ho, ho, ho, things will get way messier than they've ever before."

     He went on to the door, for they were in a room now, not far off the elevators. He clapped, as he thought of something. He closed the door and danced a little. "I have a good idea. And it's fair and free and good and nice. But it's not for me to decide."

     He pulled out a pistol from under his belt and gave it to Kendrick. "Now, with this gun, I want you to play a small game. Now, I know I told you it was going to be a movie in which you'd just sit back and enjoy with your... 3D glasses. But what if I made the experience better?

     "What if I made you an actor in the movie- is that good?"

     Kendrick looked at the gun, shivering already.

     He knew he wanted him to kill someone...

+ + + + + 

"Okay, so my good and loyal apprentice," he said. "Would you like us to play a single game of Russian Roulette. A simple one. Not very complicated."

     The five stared quietly. Job made a short prayer.

     All he wanted was to save his dear fiancee. He didn't want any of this... He should've turned down the offer earlier and maybe die...?

     But, no, he needed to keep his hopes up. If there was going to be murder here, he had to hope not to be a victim.

     "If one of you doesn't know it, I will be glad to give you the explanation."

      They realized that if he'd waste enough time, then Pete might probably come to help them... Maybe. Well, hopefully. But, how in the world would he know that they had captured?

     "So, it's a game whereby the cylinder of that small revolver in spun and then pushed back in place- it wasn't really invented by me. So there's only a single bullet in there- and therefore, a leap of faith when you'd like to die. It's hard to die in this game- that's why I hate it so much, by the way.

     "I like games in which people die... easier when you want them to die. But, I kind of like it because of it's unpredictability. You blow someone's brains out and it looks so cool." 

     They exchanged worried looks.

    "So, are you all ready for the game?"

     No answer.


     "Yes, sir."

     "I told you to stop calling me that."

     "Yes, Shaw," he corrected while looking at Bones.

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