Living My Best Life

Start from the beginning

"You always horny Erik". I rolled my eyes but did give him permission to start, but mini Erik was close by and I needed to be available in case he woke up from a nap, meaning Erik had time for a quickie. "A quickie Erik, that's all".

"Imma only do the tip, babygirl don't trip". He responded casually as he and I both proceeded to remove our clothing.

"You don't know what just the tip is". I groaned as I laid naked in his presence. All this talk about his dick though, gave me a visual. Getting me all wet and everything.

He placed his tip at my entrance and pushed inside, "Just the tip huh". I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, that was a lie". He chuckled as he started grinding slowly into me. He lowered his head, towards my ear. Whispering dirty things into it and telling me the things he's going to do to me.

It was all helping the sexual aroma we had going on right at this very moment.

"Spread them legs wider for me baby, I need all access to my pretty ass pussy". He whispered in my ear, and that only the starting to his dirty talk, he knew how it got me. "You starting to squeeze me baby, you trying let go? Cuz I can paint them walls for you if you tryna play".

I hated how it got to me, his words were dangerous weapons and I didn't like how they got me. I was cumming on him within the matter of a minute and whilst he kept going I wanted to pass out. He knew this was a quickie but he wasn't going for that.

Round after round after around until he finally busted a nut and flopped beside me.

I laid there catching my breath as he pulled me into his arms. "Did you nut in me?" I asked


"hUh? Nigga you heard me". I blundered out.

"Maybe". He shrugged

"Erik!" I whined

"What? Pussy was good". He said nonchalantly.

"You wearing a condom EVERYTIME from now on! Now imma have another baby in me!" I remembered that I hadn't stocked up on Plan B, I didn't plan on getting dicked down.

"Aye is that such a bad thing? You gonna need another man to protect you".

"Who said it's going to be a boy". My eyebrow raising.


Oh how he was wrong....

"Oh hi my little angel...hello". I spoke picking the little baby up. And laying back sitting her on my chest. "You so pretty, just like me". I spoke as she giggled and slobber fell from her mouth.

I laughed as I set her up, looking out into the beach and the sea. Seeing that Erik and Derrick were gone. What the hell happened to them, I was suddenly scared. I stood with Khari in my arms walking closer towards the water, then calling out to one of my boys. "Erik! I called out into the empty waters that once held my baby father and son.

"DERRICK!" I looked to my little baby girl, she was clueless to the things happening right now. I was worried sick, where the hell is my son! I walked down to a few people closest to us, asking a male that was sun bathing. "Um excuse me, have you seen a man like 6'0 with dreads and a bumpy torso carrying a small boy he's 5 with a fade wearing neon green swim trunks". 

"Uh, no ma'am I'm sorry". He responded and that obviously wasn't what I wanted to hear at all what so ever.

I walked away, terribly nervous as what had happened. Where is my son! I ran back to my beach area and looked around. My phone was sitting directly on the chair I was once resting on.

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