Chapter 15: Stress

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Summary: Clementine has lately been under a lot of stress and Louis comes to help her deal with it.

Wordcount: 1728


It had been about a week since the day the raiders came. Everyone was on edge, especially Clem. Everyone was depending on her. She had to be a good leader. She had to make sure no one else got hurt. But how is she supposed to do that if she doesn't even believe in herself?

Clementine brought her knees up to her chest while sweat dripped from her forehead. The voices were coming back again.

If you had never made them fight, none of this would've happened.

If you had raised AJ correctly, he wouldn't have shot Marlon.

If you had burned the walker, Mitch would've liked you.

If you hadn't stolen the supplies, Arvo wouldn't hate you.

If you had gone down the ledge, Sarah would've lived.

If you hadn't stolen that medicine, AJ would have a better childhood.

If you hadn't crashed, Kenny would still be here.

If you had given the dog the food, he wouldn't have bit you.

If you had tried a bit harder, you could've saved your friends.

If you hadn't followed that man, Lee would still be here.

Clementine burst into a fit of tears, burying her head into her knees. The voices were right. She was a fucking disgrace. She had been the cause of everything. She might as well kill herself right now.


"That's right, now just aim towards the tree." Luke covers Louis' ears. Louis focuses on the target and pulls the trigger. He still hadn't got used to the noise. He jumped as a loud bang rang out through the courtyard. Even with that much force, he still couldn't hit the tree.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. "Shit." Luke just chuckled.

"Don't worry. Nobody gets it on their first try."

"Clem does." Louis smiles at the thought of her. By now, he was head over heels for her.

"True-- she was only eleven when I met her and she could shoot a gun one-handed."

Louis raises his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yup. She was a badass-- even at a young age. She stitched herself up by herself without anyone knowing. Well-- until the walker came in."

"What walker?"

"Apparently, while she was patching herself up, a walker came in and she killed it herself. We didn't even have a lot of stuff in that shed."

"Oh right-- I forgot. You guys did put her in that shed." Louis narrowed his eyes at the man as he chuckled nervously.

"Uh... yeah-- we did."

"I seriously suck at this, though."

"How about this-- you go and hang out with Clem for a while and come back when you're ready. You both could use each other right now."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She's... been under quite a bit of pressure. The only thing that makes her feel better is when she talks about you to me. And before you ask, I'm basically a brother to her so she tells me everything."

"She... talks about me?"

"Yup, she's in love with you." Luke pauses. "Oh shit, don't tell her I said that. She's gonna kill me."

scars • clementine x louisOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora