Chapter 12: War

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Lilly comes inside the courtyard with much more people than before. She furrows her eyebrows when she sees Clementine.

"Clementine! You really think you can just run away?! Well, you're WRONG!" Lilly yelled, pointing at Clementine. 

Everyone ducked behind the flipped tables in the courtyard, avoiding the gunshots that rang out through the air. Clementine swiftly grabbed her bow and stood up, aiming it towards Lilly.

"Lilly! Get the fuck out!"

Lilly just chuckled and shook her head. "You are so stupid. Just like Lee."

"Shut the hell up, Lilly! You don't know ANYTHING!"

"I think I do- A lot more than you, that's for sure."

Clementine clenches the bow tightly, ready to let go of it.

All of a sudden, Sophie stands up and walks over to Lilly, standing right beside her. Clementine was about to warn Sophie when she realized what has been going on. Sophie was with them. 

"Sophie... What?"

"Clementine, Clementine, Clementine, how could you be so naive?"


Louis couldn't believe his ears. Sophie was with the raiders the whole time? And to think that she was his friend. Louis had to help Clementine, even if it meant risking his life.

Louis grabs the bomb that he had made with Mitch's help and sneaks on behind the carts while Clementine distracts the raiders. He places the bomb inside the cart and takes out his lighter. With one swift move, he lights up the bomb and tries to get as far as possible. But it was too late...


Somehow, an explosion befell behind one of the carts, causing the horses to neigh, and for people to scream. There was smoke everywhere. Clementine had fallen down and couldn't see. Once the smoke cleared up a bit, it was clear enough to see Louis' limp body lay flat on the ground.

"LOUIS!" Clementine screamed before running over to his body. Before she could reach him, a person tackles her to the ground. Sophie.

"Get... the fuck... off!" Clementine struggled to get out, mostly because of the weight Sophie was putting on Clementine's chest.

"I won't let you off that easy." Sophie said before stabbing Clementine in the knee, causing her to scream in pain. Sophie then tried to drive the knife into Clem's heart. Clementine struggled to push the knife as far away as she could. Luckily, Clementine was stronger than Sophie.

She pushed Sophie off and punched her in the face several times before knocking her out cold. Clementine finally soothed herself when she ran over to Louis. 

"Louis? Louis!" Clementine shook him frantically. When he gave no response,  hot tears ran down Clementine's face.

She bent down to give him one last kiss. When she pulled away, she heard a whisper from him. "Thanks for the kiss, darling." Clementine's eyes widened as he said that. She quickly hugged him and kissed him on every part of his face, not missing one spot.

"You idiot! I thought you were dead!" Clementine acted as if she was angry, but in reality, she was actually very relieved. "Are you okay?"

Louis looked fine. There was no burns or cuts on him except for a cut on his cheek, but it wasn't really a big deal. He had just passed out from the bomb, but Clementine wanted to know if he was feeling okay.

"The real question is are you okay?" Louis points to her knee that was bleeding out.

"I'll be fine."

Louis cocks his head to the side, looking at her in a concerned matter.

"Louis, I'm serious- I'll be fine. Really."

Louis kisses the tip of her nose, making her scrunch up her face. He laughs at how cute she is. Unfortunately, the couple's moment didn't last for long when Lilly jumped onto Clementine, threatening to slit Clementine's throat.

"You fucking bitch! You kill my people, take Minnie and Sophie, and force your people to attack us?!"

Blood already started to drip from her neck. Lilly was about to go deeper when...

"HEY! Get the fuck away from her!" A voice echoed through the courtyard, making Lilly look in the direction to see Gabe pointing at Lilly. Louis took this opportunity to tackle Lilly. Unfortunately, Lilly was too strong. She stabbed him in the stomach, causing him to fall over and groan in pain.

Clementine widened her eyes and looked at Louis' limp body and Lilly standing over him. Tears started brimming around her eyes. Lilly had spotted the cart and attempted to drag Louis to it. A small gasp escaped Clementine's mouth as she saw this. She quickly grabbed her bow, ready to shoot Lilly when she saw another person dragging Violet. 

Clementine widened her eyes and knew what she had to do. She had to make a choice or it would be too late. She closed her eyes, and let go of the arrow.

Lilly fell down to the ground, clutching her shoulder as Louis ran away, limping. Before Clementine knew it, the raiders had taken Minnie, Violet, and Omar. The horses ran away with the raiders, leaving nothing but the kids to slowly come out.

Clementine slowly comes back to her senses as she remembers about Louis and AJ. She looks around frantically to see everyone crowded around Aasim's lifeless body. She runs over to see Ruby sitting over his body, sobbing. Ruby looks up at Clem and clenches her fists. In one swift move, Ruby stands up and pushes Clem over, causing her to fall over. Clementine was stronger than Ruby, but it caught her by surprise.

"You... you monster! You're the reason why he's dead!" Ruby yells at her accusingly. Clementine's eyes widen at the girl's anger. Clem just narrows her eyes.

"The raiders are the reason for his death, Ruby! And you know that, so don't try and pin this on me!"

Ruby's anger lowered now as she looked at Aasim. "I never got to tell him how I felt... I just... I just pushed him away..."

Clem feels a small tug on her shirt. She looks below her to see AJ looking at her with a worried expression on his face. "Clem...?"

"Don't worry, AJ. It'll be okay."

Clementine squats down to reach AJ's level and hugs him. "Everything will be okay."

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