Not A Bad Thing (Sebastian)

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"(Y/N), it's Sebastian again, do you want me to tell him you're not here again?" I nodded yes as my sister, Stacy, spoke on the phone with the one boy I've been trying to avoid for so long. This is the 3rd time today he's tried to reach out to me, and I don't know why he keeps trying. My heart has not been in the best place for the longest time. I was heartbroken in the worst way possible by the one guy I thought loved me as much as I loved him. We had been dating for two years, and we were supposed to be celebrating my birthday a few months ago, but he said he had to cancel because he was asked to work late. So, I decided to visit him as a surprise, but that was a huge mistake. When I got to his place of work, I saw him making out with Jennifer. My best friend. For 10 years. I felt my heart shatter in a million years, and I broke up with him the next day.

He straight up lied and said it was nothing, and I yelled at who used to be my best friend for an hour on the phone when she tries to apologize, when she knew damn well he was mine and how wrong it was to have him while I was dating him. Sometimes I wish I never met these people. Sometimes I wish I wasn't here. This pain in my heart and my body was worse than anything I've ever gone through in my life. I gave up on finding love for myself, and I gave up on men. A month after I broke up with my ex, I ran into a guy wearing a fancy suit and a scarf. I went to a party I was dragged to by one of my friends just so she could go, leaving me alone while she got drunk and wasted. I went to use the restroom for a moment and when I walked out, this asshole spilled his drink on me, making me feel worse than I already was.

"I'm so sorry about that", he said quite drunkenly, "I didn't mean to bump into such a pretty girl like you." I shoved his face away from me, but he was starting to follow me. "Aww, come on, sweetheart. Let me buy you a drink and we'll make up for it later," he said raising his eyebrows at me. "Get the fuck away from me, wastoid", I warned him. Then the dickhead tried to grab my ass, and before I smacked him, I saw him being dragged away into the corner by another man who was so sharply dressed and didn't look too happy with the guy. "Look, buddy, when a woman say no, she means no." There wasn't a trace of humor in his voice. "How about you walk out of here before you endanger anyone else?" The dude stumbled out of the party, and everyone cheered for the hero of the moment. I walked out impulsively because I was afraid to look at him and let my emotions fool me again.

I felt like a cold bitch for leaving him in the dust like that after what he did for me, but I promised myself I would never let myself be fooled by a boy, no matter how noble he may seem. I didn't see him again for  about a few days, and I thought I was rid of him for good, until he found me at the department store I work at. "How did you find me here?", I asked with intense and pure shock. "Your drunk friend from the party told me where you work." That little bitch. "Well, what do you want?", I asked harshly. "Maybe you can explain why you left and not thank me properly for saving your ass." I looked down and shuffled my feet. "I'm really sorry for that", I said looking at the floor, "I am super grateful for what you did, but I had to leave early to come to work on time." He nodded once, and smiled a little. "Well, you could repay me by letting me take you out-" "No. I'm sorry", I cut him off quickly.  "Excuse me?", he asked baffled. "I'm not interested. And I don't have time or energy to date anyone right now." He seemed a little hurt at the words and I thought I scared him off, but then he said before leaving the store, "No matter how long it takes me, I will get to know you better."

It's been a month since that day, and my stupid friend gave him my number so he'd try to reach me whenever I wasn't out. Some small part of me is begging to give him a chance, but the memory of the pain was too overbearing and I don't want to go through that again. I've seen how kind and generous he is, and it pains me to see how I always hurt him because I'm a coward. I wish he wouldn't waste his time and energy on a heartbroken loser like me. I got a text from my friend one day,and she told me that she explained to the guy named Sebastian about my experience and why I always reject him. I honestly wish she didn't tell him, but maybe he'd understand why I've been so abrasive and cold. Apparently, his will is much stronger than I thought.

I was closing the store I worked at one day, and I found him waiting outside and it was raining. "Sebastian, what are you doing out in the rain? You could get sick or freeze to death." He brought both knees to the ground, and held both my hands. I was frozen where I stood, and then he looked at me so intently, it made me scared. "(Y/N), you are the most perfect woman I ever met in my life, and the thought that someone broke your kind and selfless heart makes me want to kill them for causing you so much pain you don't deserve. I'd rather die before I lie to you, and I never want to leave you because without you, there is no life worth living. I will never fill your thoughts with broken promises and wasted time. If you let me in your heart and give me a chance, I swear on my life I will cherish every second I have with you and never let you feel alone. I want to make you feel like the only girl in my eyes and I want to create beautiful memories with you."

He stood up and kept his eyes on mine, so full of anticipation and hope. "I just want to make you feel loved and secure. You ask me to do something, and I will give up everything I have to make you happy to be with me, like I want to be with you." I was holding back tears, ready to fall not just from me being hurt, but from the thought of me making him suffer unnecessarily. "You could still say no after all this, but I'm just asking for a chance to know you and treat you like royalty, because-" I cut him off by bringing him closer to me, and bringing my lips to mine. He froze for a second, then kissed me back with all the love he's been holding in for me. I cried my tears as we kissed and he would break the kiss rarely to wipe them away, and then pulled me in again and held me close and secure as we kissed under the rain at night.

Palaye Royale Imagines/One-shots/HeadcanonsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя