Sweet & Gentle Bat (Remington)

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Magical/Fictional one-shot I thought of today and thought it might be cute. 😊

I was walking through the woods one day when it was raining and I had just finished visiting a friend. It was cold and the wind was blowing, causing my face to get wet as well. It was almost hard to see where I was going and I was starting to wish I asked my friend for a ride. I looked down at the wet grass for a moment, and then looked again when I noticed by my blind side a small and solitary bat lying on the ground. I walked closer to it and I realized looking at it that it's wing was broken. I gently picked it up and it looked so hurt and lonely, I felt bad for it and decided to care for it until it's wing was healed then return it here where it came from.

I took care of the small and cute bat for about a month when its wing was finally healing, and I was starting to love it. It was good company to be around, and it helped me feel less lonely in my home where I lived alone. It was also very clingy to me, like sleeping on the headboard of my bed and trying to follow me in the bathroom. I sometimes took it with me to my job and most people I worked with hated it because they were scared of bats, but I always helped it to feel comfortable with me. I once got a complaint from my boss, but seeing the bat's cute face and playful attitude changed his mind and then he just asked me to keep an eye on it.

One day, I was planning to take the bat back to where it belongs and then...something extraordinary happened. I was in the heart of the forest where I found the bat and while I was letting it rest on my shoulder, it started to fly off and flutter in front of me, as some kind of way to get my attention. "What is it? Don't you want to go home?", I asked the strange little creature, then a bright and blinding light started emitting from the bat and it was beginning to transform into something else.

I watched in awe as the bat grew as big and a little taller than me, and then the light faded away slowly to reveal to me a beautiful and tall boy dressed in black with spiky, black hair and gorgeous, brown eyes and his arms decorated in artistic tattoos. I looked at him in shock and disbelief, and he smiled and made my heart beat a million times faster than it already was.

"Hi, (Y/N)", he said to me in the most beautiful and silvery voice I've ever heard, "Sorry to surprise you like this. I would have revealed to you what I really was when you found me, but I was too weak and unable to transform to my true self." I could not form a response as it felt like my voice was missing, "I-You-How...?" He took a deep breath and was about to answer my incomplete question about him.

"My name is Remington Leith, and I come from a family of magical creatures who can transform between  bats and humans. We tried to keep this secret from humans because we don't trust that they won't try to take one or all of us away to do God knows what. But when you rescued me and restored me back to life, I knew you were different. Special. You wouldn't hurt a fly because you have a gentle soul. I wasn't able to show you what I am because my wings are my source of power and if they're damaged, so is my magic."

Then the boy named Remington walked a little closer to me and carefully held me hands which made me catch my breath, "I know this is shocking and weird for you to find out about, but I just wanted you to know the time you spent taking care of me and nursing me...I ended up falling in love with you." I gasped when he said that, and he smiled a little at my expression, "I don't really want to go home here now, because...my home now is you." I couldn't believe what was happening: a bat who turned out to be a magical human transformed back in front of me and just confessed that he's in love with me.

Looking at him for real this time, I realized just how attractive he really is and I felt my cheeks turning red as I blushed and slightly smiled at him. He noticed my embarrassed look and then smirked while he asked, "What's wrong, (Y/N)? Never had a cute, little bat tell you that they love you?" I squeezed his hands and tugged him closer to me until our faces were a few inches apart, "Not a bat as handsome and gorgeous as you..."

He took my face in his hands and pressed his lips against mine, causing my fucking heart to stop. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he placed his hands on my waist, keeping me close. God, I always did love my little bat, but I didn't expect to fall head over heels for him when I found him that day in the rain. I pulled away and rested my head on his chest and he hugged me as I stated, "I love you, too, my adorable little vampire bat." He chuckled and hugged me tighter as we held onto each other in the middle of the woods.

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